Author Archives: Jenna Magee

About Jenna Magee

IT professional, needleworker, editor/proofreader, author, singer, musician.

No More School Posts (Legacy)

I made the decision to pull down all of the artwork that I did back in 2008 as part of my classes at the Art Institute Online. I was told some time ago that subsequent students were downloading my photos … Continue reading

Posted in Art, Life in General | Leave a comment

2015 Stitching Goals รขโ‚ฌโ€œ Update #2

New progress since I last posted: My Purin design is finally complete, as of last night. I didn’t stitch for a while, so I didn’t knock it out until I sat down and really concentrated on it for two days. … Continue reading

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2015 Stitching Goals – Update

New progress since I last posted: The Victoria Sampler – Heirloom Memories Sampler has been completed and significant progress has been made on my Purin design. I intend to knock out Purin on my week off next week. Teresa Wentzler … Continue reading

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Stitching Goals – Out With the Old and In With the New

First, a wrap-up of my 2014 stitching goals: 2014 wasn’t a good year for stitching but, in my defense, I did change jobs and move across the country, so some serious life goals were accomplished, at least! ๐Ÿ˜‰ ———— Nora … Continue reading

Posted in Stitching | 1 Comment

Assessing My Cross Stitch WIPs and UFOs

2015 is one of those years where I have decided to go through my WIPs and UFOs and whittle them down. You probably won’t remember but back in January 2011 I tackled my pile of pieces that were completed, but … Continue reading

Posted in Stitching | 2 Comments

A Funny for Coders

So I was in cleaning out the oodles of spam comments that Akismet has accrued since I last visited this site and one in particular stood out to me, initially because it was so long. And then I took a … Continue reading

Posted in And Now For Something Completely Random | Leave a comment

The Rumors of My Disappearance Have Been Greatly Exaggerated

Okay, so there have been no rumors (at least, none that I know of), but some of you may have wondered where I’ve been. I can assure you that I’m alive and well. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Life has been busy and in … Continue reading

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A L-O-N-G Overdue Stitching Update

I managed to finish all of my Pay-It-Forward gifts and sent out the last two in February, before we left for vacation. One went to Nancy and the other went to Bonnie. I’m ashamed to have discovered that Nancy’s had … Continue reading

Posted in Stitching, WIPocalypse | 7 Comments

Normal is a Four-Letter Word

Some days I despair of ever being normal. But what is normal, really? Normal for me is not normal for others. But is normal for others normal for all? Is there such a thing? I’m starting to think that normality … Continue reading

Posted in Journey to Self-Discovery | 4 Comments

Book Review: Kiss Me Hello by L.K. Rigel

Kiss Me Hello by L.K. Rigel My rating: 5 of 5 stars I stayed up until 3:30 in the morning (with a horrendous cold, no less) to finish this book in one sitting because I just could not put it … Continue reading

Posted in Book Reviews | 2 Comments