You’d Think I Was Starting a Business…

or something. I arrived home on Wednesday night to find 100 lbs worth of shipments waiting at our garage doors. Yes, I said 100 lbs. The lightest box was 13 lbs and the heaviest was over 50 lbs. 1666 sheets of blank newsprint to help fill shipping boxes is quite heavy. Plus 100 boxes and 50 or 100 cardboard pads to help keep envelopes from being bent and charts damaged in the mail. 1000 resealable bags to use for charts. 2 rolls of packing tape. And my order from Wichelt Imports.

Terry’s comment was you’d think I was starting a business or something. 😉

About Jenna Magee

IT professional, needleworker, editor/proofreader, author, singer, musician.
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14 Responses to You’d Think I Was Starting a Business…

  1. Barbara says:

    LOL at Terry. What a card!

    Wow, it’s getting very exciting. I’m so happy for you!!

  2. Carol says:

    It’s pretty exciting, isn’t it??!!

  3. Von says:

    Getting things all set up sounds like such fun, Jenna!! And I’m so glad you’re sharing the experience with us. 😀

  4. Vonna says:

    Wow….you’ve thought of everything….I’m impressed! Where are you going to store all this? Do you have ONS room in your house?!

  5. cathymk says:

    I hope you two were careful shifting all that stuff! This is getting so exciting Jenna!

  6. Cindy says:

    What, no pic of all the boxes and wrappings?

  7. Angela says:

    Oh my word. I must know the name of that shop! It’s like a puzzle for me that I must solve……. 😛

  8. Cathy says:

    So fun! I can’t wait. Have fun fondling the merchandise!

  9. Outi says:

    You have just expanded the aspect of S.E.X.. 😉

  10. Isabelle says:

    Wow, 100 pounds is a lot! Had to laugh at Outi’s joke 😆
    Cardboard pads – wonderful idea, my friend. It’s so annoying to receive a brand new chart that has been damaged in the mail.
    That is so exciting 🙂 🙂

  11. Angela says:

    Will you be listing what you will stock maybe here or something before hand? I’d rather wait a couple weeks and order something through you then go somewhere else.
    Will you have a nifty button that I can load up on my blog? :]

  12. Christine D says:

    Hmmm… You might need more packing tape. 😉

    This is very exciting. I like Angela’s idea – let’s spread the word!

  13. Svenja says:

    That’s very exciting! I don’ want to appear nosy – but what did you get from Wichelt? And whatever it is, are you sure you want to sell it and not keep it?!? 😉

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