And THAT is Why They Are Not Called Laptops Anymore

Now, one would think that the first time I burnt my legs with my laptop this morning, that would be enough to remind me to use that not-so-cheap heat shielded protector/cushion I bought a year or so ago for my laptop, right? WRONG! I managed to repeat the incident again just a few minutes ago. Darn, these little buggers put out a lot of heat! And with shorts weather upon us with a vengeance, I really feel it when I’m working from home. Quickly. But then, that’s why the industry has tried to back out of using that familiar term laptop. They’re notebooks. Or whatever such word any particular computer maker chooses to employ on any given day. Yes, they are not really meant for use in your lap anymore. It harkens me back to the reports I heard a few months ago about high rates of laptop usage causing fertility problems in men. Yes, ladies, don’t forget that cooking terminology from home ec class. Broiling occurs when you place food in close proximity to a heat source. 😆

Anyway, I guess I was having one of those famed Carlos Mencia “dee dee-dee” moments! As offensive as his content can be at times, you have to admit that he is screamingly funny. Everywhere I go, I see stupid people! But then, it’s easy to overlook my own brief instances of ineptitude, isn’t it? 😉

Oh, and speaking of screamingly funny, check out Suz’s post for the day, entitled Spreading the Joy. I have to admit, I had never heard of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, but I thought I was going to cry, I thought it was so hysterical. See, that’s what I like about Suz. She’s smart. Damn smart. And I like to read witty, acerbic posts from truly intelligent women. They make me think, they make me laugh and they make me nearly want to weep for the general state of humanity, but most of all, they make me grateful to be a female with a brain. 😀

What can I say? After a night of very poor sleep and a dose of Excedrin around lunchtime, I’m in a very quirky mood…

About Jenna Magee

IT professional, needleworker, editor/proofreader, author, singer, musician.
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6 Responses to And THAT is Why They Are Not Called Laptops Anymore

  1. ami says:

    Don’t worry, I’ve done the idiot thing and plopped a laptop on my legs many a time. It’s worse with Mike’s laptop since his gets hotter, but I also seem to remember faster when the time comes 😛

  2. Barbara says:

    Yes, I’ve also used mine on my lap … but since I seem to have a very low temperature, I’ve never actually burned myself. Just melted some of the frost…

  3. Yes, they do put out a lot of heat. In the winter, Itchey loves to curl up behind the screen near the fan…

    Check out this site:

    $40 (IMHO) is a lot for one of these, but If you know anyone who’s handy with wood, they could whip one out for you in no time. My dad made me mine. It’s a little thicker than theirs, but it’s a little bigger, and after he stained it, he used polyeurthane (sp?) to make it waterproof. He also made me the little stand so it can go behind my chair when not in use. I love it!

  4. Michelle says:

    Thanks so much for sharing the tale of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. I, too, love to read blogs by witty and intelligent women, who share their tongue in cheek views with us all.

  5. Kath says:

    Ouch Jenna…. I know what you are saying though.

  6. suz says:


    I’ve done it too (the burn thing), and DH’s laptop has one of these Pentium IVs before celerons, so they run super hot. Yowsers 🙂

    And glad to keep you entertained m’dear 😉

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