Hot and Busy Weekend

I’m back into the swing of things (mostly) and sitting at work today. My body is quite grumpy and so am I, but I’m here and I’m working, so what more do you want? 😉

The long weekend was fairly crazy for us. It was hot, stormy and busy! My parents arrived Friday evening while I was still finishing my work for the day from home. We went to the grocery store, picked out dinner and some other things we needed, then settled in for the night, watching TV and playing some games. Saturday saw my dad going on a 4 hour trek with me and Terry through the wilds of furniture shopping and a not-so-brief stop at Lowe’s for some paving stones (98 of them, to be exact) and the usual bunch of other stuff that comes along with a visit to the home improvement store. That pretty much shot the day, which didn’t exactly please my mom, since she wasn’t able to go with us, but we accomplished a lot.

Sunday morning, my parents left to go home and Terry and I went outside to do some work. It was very hot and sunny and I thought I was going to pass out after less than an hour in the sun, using a total of 2 gallons of weed killer in a vain attempt to get a handle on our continuing battle against thistle and dandelions. And I haven’t gone back to put down the dandelion killer on the ones scattered about the yard. Terry mowed the lawn while I was dealing death to the weeds. Then we showered and went to a friend’s house to play some computer games, stopping to pick up subs for dinner on the way. We actually ended up watching Date Movie (pretty funny!) and then playing a game.

Monday saw us going to another friend’s house for a holiday get-together of a small (very small) group of close friends. We had fun, but their house is freezing cold, so my shoulders were a tight ball of mess by the time we get home. Hence yesterday morning’s migraine. My shoulders are still stiff today and I have a bit of a headache plus an IBS flare-up, but I’m determined to have a decent day despite it all. I’m thinking of buying some exercise equipment to help me get rid of the little roll of fat I’ve developed below my belly button and to help me achieve my exercise goals on my list of 101 Things. Add that to the weight lifting routine that I would like to start to help with my shoulders and neck and the occasional dance workout and hopefully I’ll start to get back into the shape I was six years ago before I got married, changed my job and started sitting on my butt all day instead of running around helping people and lifting computer equipment. The sedentary work of a computer programmer isn’t exactly conducive to better physical fitness! 😆

That’s my status report and I’m sticking to it. I’m behind on blog reading, as usual, so I probably will sacrifice commenting in the name of catching up. I usually say that and then comment all over the place anyway, but just in case I don’t, you’ve been warned. 😀

About Jenna Magee

IT professional, needleworker, editor/proofreader, author, singer, musician.
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5 Responses to Hot and Busy Weekend

  1. Wow! I had to take some extra breaths while reading your post to keep up with you!! :o)

  2. AnneS says:

    Crikey, you crammed a lot into one weekend! Sounds like you’ve had a great one, though, which is good 🙂

  3. Michelle says:

    Glad you had a good weekend full on family, movies and games! Somehow I keep overlooking the exercise part of my 101 things list – don’t know how that happens!

  4. Von says:

    You and Terry did have a big weekend! I love getting things accomplished – it usually takes a lot to get me going tho – laziness is too much of a habit.
    I find that I have to grab a light sweater when we go out as so many places think they have to recreate the arctic!

  5. lelia says:

    WOW! I’ll say you did A LOT with your long week-end. We didn’t do much. Hung around the houe waiting for the cat to hatch LOL.

    We watched Failure to Launch – from the movie store. I read the Pearl by Steinbeck. The boys had some fireworks (legal in Indiana) at sunset.

    I’ve been finishing and finishing … now on a small stocking (ornament). I’ve not tried to finish a small stocking shape before, and it is a tad tricky. With some luck, I’ll get the cording on & the lining sewn in today. It is a freebie pattern from the Caron site.

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