5 Answers – Part 3


  1. Who is your favourite cross stitch designer?
  2. At this point, I would have to say Sandie Vanosdall of The Sweetheart Tree. I love her designs, plus I have met her in person and spoken with her over the phone. She’s a very lovely person.

  3. Can you play a musical instrument?
  4. Absolutely! My mother was a professional flutist, so naturally I followed in her footsteps. I play flute and piccolo. I am lamely trying to teach myself piano, but there’s a world of difference between the flute and piano…

  5. Do you drive and if so, what make of car?
  6. Believe it or not, I can and do drive every once in a while. I even go out by myself sometimes! 😆 Terry has a control issue about driving and safety, so he usually drives if we’re together. I am the proud owner of a 2006 Honda Civic Hybrid in silver. I like not having to spend quite so much on gas.

  7. What is your favourite season of the year?
  8. Autumn. It cold be because I was born in that season, but mostly it’s because there’s a slight chill in the air, so I am more comfortable (I overheat easily). Also, I love the colors of the leaves once they’ve turned and the crisp, clean smell in the air. There are more reasons, too, but I don’t want to get boring. 😉

  9. Do you own any pets?
  10. Ah yes, our beloved furbaby, Phoebe. She’s an 8-year old orange and cream colored Pomeranian who is the love of our lives. She has an entire set of albums dedicated to her in my gallery.


  1. Are you intending giving up work when the ONS takes off?
  2. If, after a couple of years, the ONS is doing well enough, I would consider giving up my day job. I am convinced that Cathy and I will be able to open a brick and mortar shop someday. In the meantime, if I start getting swamped with orders, I would consider going part-time. Fact is, though, I really like the money I’m making right now.

  3. Do you believe most of your health problems are due to work pressure?
  4. I believe that most of my problems are due to my anxiety. That can be aggravated by any number of circumstances, not the least of which is work. It is no secret that I am not exactly where I want to be. I would like to be excited about going to work every day and to be doing work that I absolutely love with limited stressors, but I don’t know that such a beast exists. If it does, it remains an elusive and as-yet undefined species. 🙂

  5. Do you and Terry intend having any children?
  6. Hah-hah. The inevitable question to which we have an answer, but not an easy one. Nor is it a decision that we have made lightly. We have conversations about this fairly often (especially after visiting with other couples who have children), but always reach the same conclusion. The answer to that question is no, we do not intend to have any children. That answer could change someday, but every time we weigh all of the factors, it comes out the same. This tends to be a very loaded question, but the plain and simple truth is that we have chosen not to have any children.

  7. How are your relationships with your parents currently (all of them)?
  8. Fortunately, I can answer this question very positively right now. I feel very comfortable in my relationships with all three of my dads (father, step-father and father-in-law) and with my new mother-in-law-to-be and my step-mother. I still struggle in my relationship with my mother, mostly because she wants to go back to the very close bond that we had years ago but I have bonded strongly with my mate. That relationship eclipses all others. 🙂

  9. How does Terry feel about your stitching?
  10. Terry is supportive of my hobbies, unless they cause me stress. When I have been overcommitted in the past, it is no longer fun for me, nor is it an outlet for stress. When it reaches that point, he always tries to talk some sense into me, although he rarely succeeds. I have an incredibly stubborn streak, especially when it comes to commitments that I have made; just ask Cathy (re: finishing her round robin)! He tends not to buy me much stash, though, saying that I buy enough for myself. 😉

About Jenna Magee

IT professional, needleworker, editor/proofreader, author, singer, musician.
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1 Response to 5 Answers – Part 3

  1. Barbara says:

    Oooh. A hybrid. I haven’t seen any for sale here, but I am curious about them. Ideally, I’d love to have no car, but with three kids that’s kind of unrealistic.

    Autumn was always my favorite season, too (till moving here – autumn equals rain here) – there’s just something in the air that feels right. And it’s a time to start new endeavors. And it’s the precusor to winter (which I also always loved). It’s a great season!

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