50 Projects Challenge

Yes, you guessed it. I’m jumping on the 50 Projects Challenge bandwagon. I need to seriously work through my stash. Especially after the damage I did at CATS! LOL. I’m finally announcing my participation now because I just placed my final stash orders. Actually, these weren’t too bad because most of both orders were needles and fabric, plus the 2006 JCS Ornament issue and one chart (Sue Hillis’ Rainbow Bridge) which will be a gift for a friend of mine who just had to put one of her beloved canine friends down. I’ve been rather manic lately about acquiring stash, so this should settle me down (I hope).

To review:

Purpose of the challenge: to reduce the amount of patterns you have not stitched. This challenge can also be applied to other areas of your stash if you wish (please post your personal modification).

    The Rules:

  1. Have fun reducing your stash.
  2. There is no time limit- people have different size projects they would like to work on.
  3. Thou shall not purchase any new patterns until 10, 25, or 50 projects have been stitched. Pattern size does not matter.
  4. This challenge can also apply to knitting, beading, sewing and crocheting patterns.
  5. You can make some exemptions – due to commitments that people might already have. Remember, though, the goal of this challenge is to reduce stash so too many exemptions will sabotage these efforts.
  6. Gifts, gift cards, trades, RAKs and patterns bought with gift money are not a violation of this challenge.
  7. Freebies count as part of your total and you can aquire them at any point.
  8. The official start date of this challenge was Sept 1, 2006.

My personal exemptions include any fabric and floss required to kit up any designs in my stash, though I may choose to work through my stash as much as possible at first. In addition, I reserve the right to acquire any must-have, limited edition kits or designs that might be released by my favorite designers, like Just Nan, Mirabilia and The Sweetheart Tree. I also reserve the right to acquire any of the remaining Lorri Birmingham kits that I have on my wish list since she is retiring. And finally, an exemption I just thought of this morning as I hung Be Witchy underneath my nametag on the front of my cube… chart and Whimzi necessary to have one per season for my cube. These will be spread out over the holidays/seasons and will be completed promptly before each one is needed. As a concession, I will not count any of these towards my goal. I’ll try to go with limited editions so that it fits into the other exemption. 😉

AND… nah, just kidding. That’s more exemptions than I would prefer, so I will try to limit the use of these exemptions whenever possible and promise to put serious thought into it first. 🙂

Since the challenge technically started on September 1st, I have 3 finishes (Peace and Comfort, Enchantment and Be Witchy) that I can already count towards my 50, though I may or may not choose to count these later as I get closer to the goal. I may want to make it even harder on myself. 😉

Let the challenge begin!

About Jenna Magee

IT professional, needleworker, editor/proofreader, author, singer, musician.
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4 Responses to 50 Projects Challenge

  1. Cindy says:

    I wish I had enough stash to jump on that wagon!! lol

  2. Laura says:

    Looks like a good challenge, and a good plan. 🙂

  3. Meari says:

    Good luck on your challenge! I’ve committed to the 10 project challenge. So far so good — no stash buying and close to finishing up a few projects.

  4. AnneS says:

    Woohoo, another buddy on the challenge … we can do it! 😀

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