Morning Excitement

Apparently, Phoebe was unable to leave her hiney alone last night and woke us up early this morning with the sounds of her incessantly licking the area. When I got up and checked to see what was going on, she had irritated it to the point where it was bleeding and she was frantic to get some relief. She was scooting around the floor, then climbing all over me, trying to cuddle as closely as she could. I felt so bad for her, but it was only 7:00 AM and the vet’s office wasn’t open yet. So, Terry and I took shifts dogsitting while we each showered and got ready to face the day. By the time we were finished, the vet’s office was open, so I called and explained the situation and that we had an appointment for this afternoon, but the gland was abcessed and bleeding and Phoebe was in a good bit of discomfort. The earliest that they could get us in was 10:00 AM, so we had to reschedule some things at work and then sit and keep her calm until we could take her in. Once we got there, they took her right to the back so that the doctor could work on her. It turns out the abcess had indeed ruptured, so there was shaving, squealing, more shaving and more squealing as they cleaned up and opened up the area. They even muzzled her because they knew that it was going to be very painful for her. She’s never been muzzled before, so it probably didn’t help her assessment of the situation, but it helps the vet and his assistant. I couldn’t see what was going on from the exam room, but I could hear my poor girl yelping in pain. 🙁 Of course, I was freaking out inside, so after all was said and done and we we returned home, Terry encouraged me to take a Xanax to try and give me an extra anti-anxiety boost. We’ll see if that helps me to calm down a bit before I have to go in to work this afternoon.

About Jenna Magee

IT professional, needleworker, editor/proofreader, author, singer, musician.
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10 Responses to Morning Excitement

  1. Kim says:

    Poor Phoebe! I hope she’s feeling better soon! I know all about pet stress, it’s so hard to see/hear them when they are feeling ill. Hope you are feeling better too.

  2. Laura says:

    Poor pooch. 🙁 If we could only explain things to them so they understood, it would be so much easier on all of us, wouldn’t it? Hugs to you and your sweet doggie.

  3. Jo says:

    Oh no poor wee Phoebe. Hopefully the worst is over now and she will make a speedy recovery. I hope her Mommy is doing ok ((Hugs))

  4. Von says:

    Poor little baby!! I do hope she’s feeling better and that you are too, Jenna!!

  5. KarenV says:

    Oh, poor Phoebe! I hope you’re both feeling better soon!

  6. Poor Little Girl! I know *exactly* how it feels to hear your furry one crying in pain while being treated. My head knows that it’s to make them better, but hearing the cries makes the heart hurt.

    I hope she’s all better! Lots of Puppy Lovin’!

  7. lelia says:

    poor Phoebe. poor you.

    Our furbabies just don’t have a clue what is going on. We humans try our best to take care of them.

    Hope she is on the mend.

  8. AnneS says:

    Poor Phoebe … hope her recovery is swift. After having an absess lanced myself, I don’t envy her one little bit! Give her an extra cuddle from us {{hugs}}.

  9. Meari says:

    Oh, poor poochie. I hope she gets better soon!

  10. Heather says:

    Poor Phoebe, it must have been awful for her. I hope she’s doing ok now.

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