No Go Weekend!

We didn’t go anywhere this weekend. In fact, we haven’t left the house (well, I went out to get the mail yesterday). Terry has been sore since the ER incident and/or falling down the stairs, whichever caused the pain. He still has a huge, painful mess on his inner left elbow from the IV. The ER nurse was trying to be very careful to minimize bleeding, but, in the process, she pushed too hard on the area while removing the IV and must have done some damage because a couple of hours later, he had a fair amount of blood under the skin and a big bump. His poor arms are a mess. He has the big bruise on the inner elbow from the IV and one on each outer elbow from the fall down the stairs. He must have partially caught himself by his elbows. He was carrying Phoebe at the time, so I’m sure she was his main concern. She wasn’t hurt, fortunately, though she was a little skittish when I picked her up and walked down the stairs with her the next morning. Anyway, the short of it is, Terry’s sore. And for good reasons! Combine that with the fact that I’m still feeling odd (yes, it will be brought up with the doctor tomorrow) and you had neither of us really wanting to go anywhere. So, we rescheduled the visit with my Florida dad until next weekend. No biggie.

Instead, I’ve spent a good amount of time stitching this weekend. It felt really good since I haven’t had time for stitching in several days or more. I finished up my piece on Sylvie’s round robin, as you saw from the scan last night, and instead of working on my Flight 93 quilt panel… I started a new piece. Shame on me! The ironic thing is that the new piece isn’t even for me! It’s going to be made into a banner as a Christmas gift to my paternal grandmother (the one I just saw the other weekend for the first time since my high school graduation). I’ve been dying to do this design for her since I first saw the kit, but I didn’t win the kit when I found it on eBay a little while back. Fortunately, I just happened to be searching for it and found both the kit and the chart on Patterns Online, so I bought the chart, downloaded it and printed it Friday night. This place is quickly becoming one of my favorites for designs because they have a good number of designers (most notably, Teresa Wentzler), with new ones being added each month, it seems. The prices are less than I would pay for the designs if I were to get them in print and there’s the whole instant gratification piece that really appeals to me. I check out, they process a charge against my credit card and BAM! There it is. The chart is immediately available to me. Now THAT is the way to shop, girls!

I’ll eventually show a scan of my progress on the piece, once there’s enough to really be worth the effort. In the meantime, I will work on it some more today, in between sessions of stitching on my Flight 93 quilt panel. Oddly enough, the thing I’m really dying to stitch on the most is one of my UFOs. I take that as a good sign, I just hope the urge is still there once I finish the quilt panel! I will also need to start Strawberries So Faire soon. I can’t wait to get this one stitching up and finished as part of a SAL on the StitchingSmallsSAL group. I’ve been in love with this design since I first saw it more than a year ago. If I can manage to stitch it and finish it for myself, I think I may splurge on the matching scrimshaw ruler and threadwinder that you can get from Ellen to go with the sewing roll, if she still has them.

Okay, enough talk, more stitching!

About Jenna Magee

IT professional, needleworker, editor/proofreader, author, singer, musician.
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5 Responses to No Go Weekend!

  1. Christine V says:

    Nice to see you back! Your blog was playing hide-and-seek again, with an emphasis on the “hiding” part.

    Sometimes a weekend at home is the best thing. I hope you and Terry are feeling better soon. Enjoy all the stitching time you get!

  2. Michelle says:

    Jenna, I am able to get into your blog again! Hope the two of you are doing much better and hope your doctor can help with a diagnosis on your tingliness. Your model and RR pieces both look great! I love stitching those fall leaves too.

  3. cathymk says:

    Jenna, what an eventful couple of days you have had!! I hope you are both on the mend.

    I’m planning on joining the Strawberries so faire sal – I’ve kitted the design, just waiting on the finishing kit from Finally finished.

  4. KarenV says:

    Sorry to hear that you and Terry haven’t been too well lately. I hope you both feel better very soon {{{hugs}}}

    Glad to read that you’ve been able to get some stitching done – your RR piece looks lovely!

  5. lelia says:

    Hey GF — you & me both need to start Strawberries so Faire. I did find my pattern & linen (does that give me brownie points)

    I spent a ton of time at a new grocery store – not only couldn’t I find ANYTHING — i found all sorts of new stuff to buy. WOW. Dieting can be such a drag & I was excited to find different stuff to eat

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