Stitcher’s Meme – Floss in Residence

1. How do you store your floss?

2. Do you keep a complete set of DMC?

3. Do you buy new floss to “kit” up new projects or do you use out of a master set?

1. I assume that this is more geared to just DMC cottons; however, I’m going to expand my answer to include overdyeds and silks. Which will make this a long answer. 😆

Let’s see now… DMCs are stored in (or on) a mixture of floss bobbin boxes (my oldest DMCs), Stitchbows (which I’ve decided to eventually wean off of, as well) and floss bags hung on a ring. Overdyeds are stored in a mixture of floss bags and their original packaging. The same goes for my silks, except for the spools/skeins of Au Ver a Soie silks (Soie d’Alger, Soie Perlee and Soie Gobelin) which reside in stacks in plastic boxes (one for the Soie d’Alger skeins, one for the Soie Perlee/Gobelin spools). I think that covers the mish-mash of organization.

Ooooh, I just had a thought! Since I just blazed through a Java class the other week, I should write my own web application to organize my stitching projects and materials. Woohoo!

2. Yep! 🙂

3. I only buy new floss as I run out of what I already have. I might buy more as I kit up a larger project that I think will need more. If I were doing a large sampler or other project in all one overdyed color, I would try to buy as many skeins as I might need (and more) so that they are all from the same dye lot.

About Jenna Magee

IT professional, needleworker, editor/proofreader, author, singer, musician.
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