Still Slacking? Still Sick!

Okay, I’m still sick, so I don’t have a lot to post. Missed scrapbooking night last night and was hoping to be able to do some at home, but couldn’t drag myself off of the couch to do so. Had a BAD case of insomnia last night, probably thanks to the Dimetapp I took right before going to bed, so I got back up and stayed up until 5 AM stitching on my dad’s Christmas present.

Just finished stitching and signing the piece a little bit ago, so here’s the scan. Much more to do, of course. For every one item I cross off of my huge list, I’m adding twice as many additional items. ARGH!

Spent a few hours outside today trying to help Terry cut up the huge chunks of poplar tree that came down earlier this week with the high winds. Man, was there a lot of tree to clean up! Finally got the tree person on the phone since they haven’t been returning T’s messages and the answer was that they’re booked until the end of December. *sigh*

Oh, and there’s the whole mess with our school district taxes, the mortgage company and our escrow account. We mailed the tax bill to the mortgage company to be paid out of escrow when it arrived in late July. We got some notices from them about the taxes being due, but disregarded them because we had already mailed it in. Well, we finally get a call from them in late October and – surprise! – they say they never got the bill; hence it won’t be paid by the October 31st deadline, which equals a 10% penalty. Ouch! Okay, so they overnight it on October 29th. We get a final notice tax bill in the mail this week, so we call the mortgage company. They still say they sent it out, but the check never cleared. Call the tax office and they say they never got it. SHEESH! Okay, so at that point we decide this escrow stuff is crap and we’ll just do it ourselves. So, the mortgage company lets us out of the escrow – fine, more work for us, but at least it we know it gets paid. EXCEPT, there’s still the problem with the existing bill that’s due by December 31st or a lien will be placed on our mortgage (cute, eh?). Call the mortgage company back, they put a stop on the check, but say it’ll take up to 60 days for them to get the money back so that they can send it to us. So, what does that mean, boys and girls? That’s right, we have to come up with $4500 out of our pockets to pay the stinking bill (oh yes, and that’s including the 10% penalty from the mortgage company not getting it the first time!) by the end of the month. And we won’t get the reimbursement from the mortgage company until the stop is processed and refunded, which will probably be sometime next year.


It sucks to be an adult… sometimes.

About Jenna Magee

IT professional, needleworker, editor/proofreader, author, singer, musician.
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