Weekend Happy Dances

Yes, that was plural – danceS. 🙂

I got a lot done this weekend! Yesterday, I worked on the stitching of this month’s ornament for the JCS SAL on Chartswappers. I also basted all of the guidelines onto the fabric for the model I’m getting ready to stitch and mounted it onto the scroll frame. Then, we cleaned the whole first floor except for carpet shampooing. Wow, what a cleanup we did, too! All of the boxes that we’ve been too lazy to break down and haul into the garage are now gone and I forgot how much bigger the rooms feel. LOL. We had friends from college, Karl and Renee, over last night for games, chit-chat and snacks (hence the cleaning frenzy). We had a great visit – it’s hard to believe we haven’t seen them in about a year! Sheesh, where does the time go?

Today, I stitched. I finished stitching the JCS ornament for this month. Then I ransacked the internet looking for appropriate freebie patterns for the Christmas/winter freebie exchange on Chartswappers. Being unable to decide what to do and in what form to finish it, I decided to stitch and finish the Teeny Tiny Noel Bag from The Victoria Sampler website just for the heck of it. I also found two projects previously stitched this year, both also from The Victoria Sampler website. Can you tell I’m a fan? 😀 I scanned both – the Heirloom Wedding Sampler freebie and the Pincushion Heart freebie.

More to come, as I get into the rushed stitching of the holidays! In the meantime, I’m still fighting off some sort of illness, so my blogging will probably continue to be hit or miss for a little while until I shake whatever it is. I should probably take a sick day, as I’m sure the stress at work isn’t helping any!

About Jenna Magee

IT professional, needleworker, editor/proofreader, author, singer, musician.
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