The Shampoo That Bit Me

Now I know some of you are not going to believe this, but I have never had a serious episode of getting soap in my eyes… until today.

There I am, in the shower. Lathering my hair with this lovely Aussie 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner that I found recently when it happened. I vaguely felt something running down my forehead. It felt like water, so no big deal. I went to wipe it away and WHAMMO! Searing pain in my eye, the likes of which I have never known before in my lifetime. I immediately start howling and jam my face under the running water of the shower. Blinking furiously, I try to rid myself of the burning liquid that I now knew to be shampoo in my left eye. Of course, at this point, my husband had come into the bathroom to find out what all the fuss was about, so I turn off the shower, open the curtain and start bawling.

Yes, I’m sure I was quite a sight at that point. A head full of shampoo that was threatening to slide down onto my face and finish off both eyes, dripping wet, sobbing loudly. Terry managed to get the eye wash and cup out of the cabinet and filled it up. I jam the cup onto my left eye, tilt my head back and roll my eyeball around in the socket like mad, trying to rinse everything out. I repeated this another four times until I gave up hope of getting rid of the burn. Of course, by this point, a little tiny bit of soap had wormed its way into my other eye, so I rinsed it out once or twice, as well.

Still in pain, still soapy and still crying, I finally gave up and turned the shower back on so that I could rinse off that evil agent that was still clinging to my hair. Bad, bad shampoo! Still desperate for relief from the chemical burn that had scorched my eye, making it a bloodshot, squinty mess, I sent Terry downstairs to retrieve my moisturizing eye drops from my purse. Surely moisturizing drops will soothe the burn, right? Wrong. I put in two or three drops only to find that the pain worsened. ARGH! You have GOT to be kidding me! Not taking no for an answer, I added two more drops, wiped the excess out of my eye, waited a few minutes and added even more. By this point, the drops were no longer aggravating my eye and since I had been crying, they actually helped restore some reasonable amount of nearly natural moisture.

With a deep sigh, I resigned myself to being in pain and looking like a hideous monster with a bloodshot eye, finished getting ready and headed into work, now thoroughly late, of course. And that’s how my Friday started. How was yours? 😆

BTW, by the time I got into work, I was actually able to open my eye most of the way and a lot of the blood vessels had calmed down. Several hours later, the torment has pretty much ceased and I’m feeling semi-normal again… at least as normal as I get. 😉

About Jenna Magee

IT professional, needleworker, editor/proofreader, author, singer, musician.
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