Bathroom Update

Terry finished grouting the floor and grouted the countertop on Sunday. He also installed the new toilet bowl and tank. Yesterday we went to Lowe’s and picked up the remaining plumbing supplies needed to hook up the toilet tank and sink faucet to the water supply.

Other than installation of the trim (which hasn’t even been purchased yet, much less painted), the only other major work that needs to occur is the change in the bath fixtures. This requires Terry to cut into the wall of the closet in back of the bathroom to get to everything, after which he’ll install an access panel. In order for him to do this, I need to finish my reorganization of that closet so I can easily move everything out while he does his work. I’m guessing this won’t happen until the weekend, since I need to clean all of the garbage that I created in last week’s reorganizational frenzy out of the room before I can remove anything from the closet. 🙂

About Jenna Magee

IT professional, needleworker, editor/proofreader, author, singer, musician.
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