Stitching Progress

For a break, I decided to stitch up this month’s ornament for the Chartswappers JCS SAL. Fortunately, it was a REALLY quick stitch, so I finished it last evening. This month’s selection was the Cardinal Snowflake ornament from Thea Dueck of the Victoria Sampler.

I also started two other ornaments last night from the 2004 JCS ornament issue – the one from Charland Designs and the one from Forget-Me-Nots in Stitches. I miscounted on one part of the Charland one, so ended up having to back out a bit of stitching. This is when I started the second one. LOL. I was using the same color palette, so it made sense anyway.

Today, I cleaned up the spare bedroom after the whole switcharoo from last weekend. All that needs to happen is to tie up the futon mattress and haul it into the basement. Then the spare bedroom will be inhabitable again. The craft/music room gained a clock on the wall today – one with musical instruments that my grandparents gave us years ago. Most of that room is cleaned up, as well, though I need to figure out what to do with the computer in there. I also started stitching on the bellpull for my summer intern. There’s plenty of time left in the day to accomplish more, too!

Now I need to go eat and start working through the laundry piles.

About Jenna Magee

IT professional, needleworker, editor/proofreader, author, singer, musician.
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