Clothes, Clothes and More Clothes!

Okay, I am honestly not a clothes horse. I just wanted to put that disclaimer out there. I have only recently thrown out shirts from within my closet that have been worn since high school.

That said, this attempt to find the new me and expressing part of it in clothing is a bit expensive! I only have 4 nice pairs of pants for work, which means I’m doing a lot of laundry and I’m afraid that the fabric is going to start to wear prematurely. That said, a Chadwicks clearance catalog arrived in my mailbox on Monday. I spent Monday night compiling a $250 order. That may seem like a lot of money, but it included 6 pairs of pants, a skort, 3 skirts, 2 pairs of shoes and 8 or so tops. I mean, come on… that’s quite a deal! Anyway, everything arrived yesterday, so I spent a while in the evening trying everything on. None of the pants fit. I’m used to having to order talls to get the proper length, but their talls are a couple of inches too long! The one skirt also was shipped as 12T instead of 6T. No way, folks. That and one of my shirts didn’t come; instead I got someone’s 2XL blouse. LOL. One pair of shoes didn’t fit; the other are a little on the big side, I think, but I don’t really care because I love ’em anyway! They have a stacked heel and I don’t normally wear heels at all, so I felt kinda sexy on Friday when I went into work with a skort and heeled sandals. 😉

Oh yeah and I bought eyeshadow the other day, one of the Almay trios that are designed to highlight your eye color. I’m not used to this eye makeup stuff. Took me long enough to get used to the blush. So, here I am, nearly as tricked out as I get for work (a huge change from just a few months ago when I always wore jeans and a t-shirt; hey, I’m an IT gal and no one sees me, so no one really cares), makeup on, heels, the works. A co-worker grabs me as I’m walking up the hall and says “Are you okay?” Um yeah, I’m feeling just fine, why do you ask? Well, she thought I looked pale… COME ON! I started wearing blush recently because I was tired of the comments about how pale I always look. I mean, HELLO?!? I have Irish blood, I don’t sit and bake outside, I have very fair skin which runs in the family and I happen to like. LEAVE ME ALONE! 😛 A friend of mine to whom I relayed the story couldn’t believe it and thinks I should say something the next time this lady says something like that. She’s a very motherly figure and I think she’s taken an interest in me and my career, so I hate to offend her, but I’m really tired of the talk, you know?

Oh well, I got off topic, there. Back to the clothes issue. So, I now have a couple more skirts and a new skort, but still need pants. The return package has been dropped off and should be on its way back. In the meantime, I placed another order (not as large this time, just $180) with Chadwick’s to get a ton more pants. And another skirt. And some more tops, I think. I was trying to be good, though. All of the pants that I ordered have a 31″ inseam, so I’m hoping that the length will be just right for me. Wish me luck that all (or most) of them fit when they come in!

About Jenna Magee

IT professional, needleworker, editor/proofreader, author, singer, musician.
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