Unplanned Blog Outage

I don’t know if any of you noticed, but I had an unplanned blog outage today, er yesterday, whatever day it is, or was. Anyway, we lost our primary database server in the morning, which I noticed when my email service suddenly went poof. Now, a good server would reboot peacefully and allow us to fix it in a graceful, dignified manner. But no, this old piece of unmentionable ugliness decided that it was going to force us to slap in a new hard drive and rebuild the sucker. And yes, for the techies out there, we did have a pair of mirrored hard drives. It just decided to completely ignore the existence of the failover drive. So, Terry has spent his hours since coming home from work rebuilding the machine so that we have functioning websites once again. Right now, he’s trying to finish off the email functionality so that he can go to bed. Poor guy. As for me, I’ve had too many late nights over the past few days and have decided to take myself off to la-la land instead of waiting up with him. A painful decision, as I hate for him to be tired and cranky tomorrow, but I’ve been tired and cranky for days and I just cannot stand to do it again.

In the meantime, a nice new server is on order and should be winging its way to us from Dell early next week…

About Jenna Magee

IT professional, needleworker, editor/proofreader, author, singer, musician.
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1 Response to Unplanned Blog Outage

  1. Michelle says:

    So sorry to hear about your outage. What a pain! Glad you are up and running again though!

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