I Must Be Out of My Mind

So, I’m finally feeling better this summer and what do I do? I schedule a sale at OSL and decide to go back to school. Plus, I start drooling over my stash again. Add that to having to push through tiredness again lately and you get a woman who thinks she must be going absolutely crazy! I mean, seriously, what am I thinking? I’m just wondering if I’m going to be able to make this all work or if this house of cards is going to come crashing down in on me. I guess that remains to be seen.

BTW, I had a dream this morning that I found a dilapidated old house and decided to renovate it and put a needlework shop on the first floor and house our web design business on the second floor. I think that was a signal that perhaps I’m stretching myself too thin? Either that or I will need to stop working at some point. But then, that’s always been the plan, if one (or both) of the businesses actually grows large enough.

I’ve spent the last two hours to myself this morning, waiting for Terry to wake up and trying to leave him in peace since I don’t think that he slept very well overnight. Poor Phoebe was coughing and coughing this morning. Usually she does it to try to get our attention and make us take her outside, but I’m not sure if there was more to it today. Don’t worry, we’re not being cruel in ignoring her; we’re just pretty sure that all she wants is her morning Greenie. She can be quite motivated by the promise of things like that. Anyway, Terry was as grumpy as a bear who’s been prematurely wakened from hibernation this morning, so I figured I would work on some bills and the like, getting Phoebe out of the bed (she’s stopped coughing now, BTW) and generally giving him some peace and quiet for a little bit. I think I will go in in a few minutes and see if he’d rather work from home today. I’m sensing that it’s going to be one of those days… at least for him, it is.

About Jenna Magee

IT professional, needleworker, editor/proofreader, author, singer, musician.
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2 Responses to I Must Be Out of My Mind

  1. Angela says:

    Sometimes things have a way of happening, like maybe even opening a two layered business place……. (trails off and winks) As long as the needleshop is on the first floor that is!

  2. Meari says:

    I rarely remember my dreams. 🙁 I’m usually always tired (wish I knew what’s up with that) so I don’t think much of it anymore. House, school, work, house, school, work. LOL Somewhere in there I *find* time to stitch.

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