Sailing and Stitching

Yes, we sailed today. We were slowed down by my non-cooperative stomach and head, both of which decided to complain right before we were going to leave. The nausea kindly returned after we were well underway, so I took a lovely snooze in the cockpit and all was well. I tried to stitch on the coasters while we were sailing, but then said nauseous episode interrupted me. We tried to do a little fishing off of the side of the boat, but the spot we chose just didn’t yield anything. Catch and release, only, of course.

Let’s see. What else is going on? Well, on the stitching front, other than the coasters, I’m working on the model for The Sweetheart Tree. That’s occupying all of my main stitching time. I was going to stitch through my little bout of insomnia (check the timestamp on this post) here, but I’m afraid of making mistakes on the model and I’m afraid to work on Leslie’s RR for fear of the same thing. So, nothing to show, at the moment.

Tomorrow is the baby shower and then I’ll probably model stitch once we return home, since it’s not long now until CATS in Hershey and I would like to have at least half of the model done by the time we leave on Thursday morning. I don’t know why I thought I’d be able to work on it while I’m there. It’s a model, duh, and confidential. So, unless I sit up in my room and stitch (which would defeat the purpose of being there), I won’t be doing any work on the model while I’m there.

Well, it’s time for me to go upstairs and try again at this sleep thing. If I can’t drop off into la-la land, I’ll try taking something to help me. This is only my second night off of the Zyprexa, which was making me sleep like the dead for up to 12 hours. We think it was causing my vision to go haywire, as it suddenly got really bad a couple of weeks ago. To the point where I no longer felt comfortable driving because my distance vision was so bad, even with my glasses on. I called and left a message for the psychiatrist and he called me back on Friday and told me to try getting off of the Zyprexa. He’d heard of close-up vision being affected, but not distance. He said it would take approximately 48 hours before I should see a difference (no pun intended). So, I’ll have to wait and see what happens. In the meantime, I’m hoping that I don’t have another mixed state episode. I think I’ll be okay and I certainly won’t miss the potential for weight gain that goes along with the Zyprexa. I just hope that the Abilify by itself is enough to keep things in check. I don’t want to be feeling off when I go to Hershey!

About Jenna Magee

IT professional, needleworker, editor/proofreader, author, singer, musician.
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5 Responses to Sailing and Stitching

  1. Barbara says:

    Whew, is it ever a hassle to get the meds right! I hope you were able to get some quality sleep when you headed back to bed, and that you feel fresh as a daisy now!

    I wish I could go to Hershey. It sounds like so much fun – and it would be such a huge treat to meet you IRL! 😀 I’ve been to the city before, but that was YEARS ago. There’s a smallish happening here in the sounthern end of the country next weekend – sort of a fair, with lots of vendors selling their goods – that I hope to sneak off to. Unfortunately it’s several hours’ drive in the wrong direction of where I actually need to be, but maybe I’ll make it down anyway. 😉

  2. Joanne says:

    I hope you managed some good quality sleep Jenna.

  3. Michelle says:

    Hope you can get some sleep soon. I’m not having a whole lotta luck with it myself. Hope you can get in some quality stitching time soon too!

  4. Suz says:

    The worst that can happen is that people end up with two bipolars on their hands, right?

    JUST ONE MORE DAY OF WORK! I can’t wait for Hershey! wooooooo!

  5. Sharon says:

    Darn, I was hoping those would work for you. Too scary with the vision though. I send some good vibes your way. hopefully coming off the Zyprexa won’t be too bad.

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