Still Moving

We’re back. The overnight trip on the boat was successful, but a bit stressful. I literally have more than 20 mosquito bites on my right leg alone. And we were trying to find a place to anchor after dark in an area we’re never sailed in before, which caused me to have a panic attack. Otherwise, though… 😉 Seriously, the winds were great today, once Terry was able to bend them to his will.

I’m still feeling like I’m on the boat and the ground is moving, even though it isn’t. I found the perfect spot for stitching in the boat cabin, where a light is right behind my head. I just didn’t get to stitch too much because I was tired. So now I’ll get to stitch the day away tomorrow. Woohoo! 😀

About Jenna Magee

IT professional, needleworker, editor/proofreader, author, singer, musician.
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8 Responses to Still Moving

  1. Christine S says:

    I’m glad you’ve enjoyed your sailing adventures, Jenna! DH and I will never be sailors. We went on a sail & snorkel adventure during our cruise (the boat was 37ft) and both of us were feeling pretty ill by the time we got the cove we snorkeled in (and I even had half a sea sickness patch on!).

    I did spend 5 days on a 65ft sailboat when I did my scuba diving certification in high school and I don’t remember being sick except for the first night. Maybe my motion sickness is getting worse as I get older!

    We noticed a few times when we were in port that we’d suddenly sway for a step or two (yup, even on those big ships you do move a bit!).

  2. Barbara says:

    Very glad to hear that the overnight trip was a sucess. Now to find the perfect mosquito repellent! LOL!

  3. Karen says:

    20 bites on your leg!?!? WOW! Mosquito bites aside, it sounds like a wonderful time!

  4. suz says:

    Buy benedryl gel – I’m slathered in it after I sweat off all of my mosquito spray while hunting yesterday and the little buggers zeroed in on me.

    I’m terrified of water (being in it or on it), but I manage to keep the panic down, until someone is dumb enough to not let me off of the water before dark. I can’t imagine being someplace unknown in the dark!!!

    I was thinking of you on your boat, because I watch hurricanes way too close, and I figured that Gabrielle might chop up the water where you are (I don’t know how far ahead the water is affected on the E. Coast, being a Gulf gal and all 🙂 )

  5. Von says:

    I was so hoping this trip would be less stressful, but I suppose as you and Terry become more experienced sailors, the overnighters will become more stress-free. 🙂 Perhaps some mosquito netting for your bed and lots of Deep Woods Off would be good buys for the boat!

  6. Ahoiy, Matey! :o) Glad to hear the first overnighter was successful!

  7. Isabelle says:

    You must have had so much fun. I’m glad you had a great weekend!

  8. Laura says:

    The first time I spent an entire week on a live-aboard dive yacht, not once touching my feet to the ground in all that time, I returned to work on the 20th floor of a 28-story building, and couldn’t walk a straight line for a week. LOL I’m quite certain people thought I was drunk when I’d stumble and weave getting off the elevator. Hm. Maybe that would have helped… LOL Thanks for the memories. Hope your sailing trip was fun. Except for the mosquitos. I hate those little buggers.

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