Back to Normal, Except…

… that I think I’m experiencing the sedation side effect of the Zyprexa. Tuesday morning, I was sleeping like a zombie and didn’t wake up until 11:11 AM. This morning, I was sleeping soundly again and wasn’t able to get out of bed in time to go in to work with Terry. Yes, we have two cars and technically I could have driven myself to work once I got up, but if the excessive sleeping is medication-related, there’s no way I’m getting behind the wheel of a dangerous weapon. Instead, Terry came and picked me up when he was between meetings. What a sweetie he is. Barely an ill word about anything during this whole ordeal.

But, it’s not an ordeal. You see, I’m trying to think very positively about myself, my situation, my body, my diagnoses, etc. I believe strongly in the power of positive thinking. And not in the sense of “I’m POSITIVE that I feel rotten and my life’s a mess.” 😆 I love my mother, but she seems to get really gloomy sometimes and refers to my “health issues” like it’s some deadly curse that she thinks is going to send me down the same road that she’s gone, having to go on disability, not being able to afford our house, etc. I hate to even type the words because I don’t want to lend any credibility to those thoughts.

The funny thing is that I don’t even consider myself to have “health issues.” Yes, I have IBS, but so do A LOT of people. Yes, apparently I had an ulcer, but hopefully it’s gone now. And stomach ulcers are very minor in the grand scheme of things. Finally, yes, I have bipolar disorder, but I am FULLY FUNCTIONAL. At least, the vast majority of the time I am.

So, for my sake and my mother’s and that of anyone else who may be wondering: I am fine. I am happy. I am me. My life is good. I have a job that pays wells. I have a fantastic husband. I have a lovely home. I really can’t complain. And that’s where I am. Happy to be me. 😀

About Jenna Magee

IT professional, needleworker, editor/proofreader, author, singer, musician.
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10 Responses to Back to Normal, Except…

  1. Vonna says:

    That’s the best way to be, positive and happy to be you! I try to be that every day and for the most part it works. I’m thankful for my life, my family and my journey, for it’s what God has blessed me with and I’m very blessed. 😀 thanks for reminding us all to be thankful and positive!

  2. Barbara says:

    Oh, can’t mother’s hit those sensitive spots – with such love, compassion, and deadly aim…. 😉 I keep telling myself they really must mean well. Really.

    You are you, and you are a FABULOUS person, Jenna! I’m positive of it. 😀

  3. Michelle says:

    I think it’s fabulous that you are focusing on the positive about yourself and your life. It makes a big difference in your outlook if you define yourself by your “health issues” or “money issues” or “relationship issues” or whatever one might have. You are an inspiration for your positive attitude and ability to move past things that others would stay stuck in. Hurrah!

  4. Melanie says:

    Your mother sounds much like my (sadly departed) grandmother. Such conversations were had always in the guise of her ‘love and concern’ for me, but I would end up feeling 200% worse about myself everytime I spoke to her. Good for you that you see the whole picture – I’ve known other people who focus on their ‘issues’ so much that they actually do come to be defined by their illness.

  5. Von says:

    Yay! You’re happy with yourself, and we’re all ecstatic. 😀 Your positive attitude is an inspiration.

  6. Suz says:

    I don’t consider myself to have health issues either. As for the bipolar thing, it’s just a chemical imbalance, and you’re doing something about it, so it’s not really a health issue. It’s good you stay positive, there’s nothing to be negative about. You’ve got great support.

    Zyprexa actually paralyzed me. I overslept, then woke up and couldn’t move. Got to moving and went to work (no worries! i took a bus!). When I was in the animal room (SPF facility, so totally bunnysuited up), I passed out in the racks! Woke up, couldn’t move, went to my office, and got trapped on the stairwells because half way up I couldn’t move my legs again! Oh the doc got a good earful about that drug.

  7. Joanne says:

    You have such a wonderful outlook, with all of those positive vibes. I agree with Suz, you only have a chemical imbalance that can be controlled by medication, it may take a bit to work the meds out, but it wil be worth it in the long run, just another part of the journey. I suffer with depression, nothing like bipolar, but it can be quite devastating just the same. Keep your chin up Jenna, you are doing great.

  8. Sharon says:

    Glad to hear things are going better. It can be hard to get past that sedated feeling-but things are on the upswing, so stay positive! How sweet of your DH to pick you up. He sounds like a keeper-LOL Take care Jenna, we are all rooting for you.

  9. Isabelle says:

    Thank you for your great news. I am happy to know that you feel fine and happy. 😀

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