Today, I’m Normal

That’s right, today I actually feel normal. For the first time in about a week. It feels so good to just be normal.

I know that most people think that I’ve been doing okay, since I’ve been blogging a lot. The truth is that I’ve had a terrible time of it lately. I started Abilify, an anti-psychotic mood stabilizer, last Wednesday (I think) and by Friday, I was cycling up into a hypomanic state. By the time Tuesday rolled around, I was in pretty bad shape. I was manic like I’ve never been before. I literally, seriously could not stand or sit still for any period of time. I was just uncomfortable inside of my own body, no matter what position I tried. I felt like I was going to crawl out of my skin. I was all over the place – baking, cooking, cleaning, stitching, trying to work from home, the whole nine yards. On Tuesday night, I finally cracked. I was tired of being tired, but not being able to nap because I couldn’t lay down. I was tired of not having enough energy to sit up straight. I was tired of the whole thing, so I just broke down into inconsolable tears. At that point, I had Terry call the psychiatrist’s cell phone (it was 9 PM-ish) and I talked to him about what was going on. He explained that I was in a “mixed state” and that instead of experiencing euphoria, I was anxious and agitated. Not surprising, since I paced the first floor of our house the entire time I was on the phone with him. So, he called in a prescription for Zyprexa to help bring me down from the mania. We had to drive nearly an hour each way (keep in mind, this is around 9:00 PM; it was a long night) to a 24-hour pharmacy to pick up the pills. I also had to go in and see the psychiatrist yesterday as a follow-up.

We discussed the meds I’m on and what other alternative medications there were. I have to say that I’m not convinced that the Abilify didn’t spark this whole episode, but the doctor seems to think that this episode would have happened anyway and that I’m just not on a high enough dosage of Abilify. We talked about other drugs and I decided that since the Zyprexa brought me down nicely (I started feeling pretty normal yesterday), we’ll try it as an additional maintenance medication.

All of this means that I’m really going to have to start exercising. Abilify is the only drug out right now for treatment of bipolar disorder that doesn’t have significant side effects of weight gain and sedation. I saw a relatively cheap elliptical at Walmart, so I think I’m going to go get it sometime soon. Hopefully, starting an exercise routine will help prevent the weight gain. Hopefully…

BTW, all of those posts? Written ahead of time. I cheated. 😆

About Jenna Magee

IT professional, needleworker, editor/proofreader, author, singer, musician.
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10 Responses to Today, I’m Normal

  1. Christine D says:

    Glad to hear you are feeling better, Jenna. I hope another of these episodes is far off.

  2. Isabelle says:

    Jenna, I’m so sorry you’ve been through all this. I’m glad you’re feeling better. I really hope you find the right meds for you. ((((hugs))))

  3. Von says:

    Patience sure seems to be the order of the day in getting your meds to the levels that are effective for you! Stay strong in the fight, Jenna! I know your resilient spirit will overcome. Hugs. 🙂

  4. Meari says:

    Glad to hear you’re feeling better (“normal”) today. Good luck with your exercise routine. ((hugs))

  5. Myrna says:

    I’ll keep you in my thoughts… Glad to hear you are feeling better!

  6. Michelle says:

    I am so glad to hear you are doing better – I’ve been worried about you. I hope that the doctor can come up with a good solution that works for you so that you don’t have to go through this again. I’ll be exercising right along with you!

  7. Suz says:

    Good luck with the side effects, the only weight gain I actually had (and trust me, I’ve been on ALL the drugs) was from lithium, and luckily I got away from that. And good luck with the zyprexa -keep a really good watch on yourself with it, it can have some really bad side effects sometimes (I was paralyzed). I really hope your meds work out for you.

    Mixed state sucks donkey balls. I prefer euphoria. Oh sure, everyone else wants to kill you, but it’s great to be Superman for a little while 🙂

  8. Outi says:

    I hope it was just odd timing or your body’s first reaction to the medication.

    By the way, I have been dreaming of elliptical lately! Great minds and all that. 😆

  9. Sharon says:

    Jenna, what a terrible time you have had. I hope things will settle soon and hopefully stay that way. I thought you were posting a lot.

  10. Joanne says:

    That sux, I hope you and your DR get things sorted out quickly so that you can be more settled. Take care Jenna {{{HUGS}}}

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