Just Another Day?

While it may seem like just another day, today is August 10th. A day that tends to bring sadness and a familiar ache to my heart. You see, it is my brother’s birthday. I have not seen him in over a decade, nor have I ever met his wife, my niece or my nephew. He wants nothing to do with me.

So, all I can do is send an annual email to the one email address I have and hope that it gets through. Maybe someday I’ll receive a response.

Happy birthday, brother. I love you.

About Jenna Magee

IT professional, needleworker, editor/proofreader, author, singer, musician.
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17 Responses to Just Another Day?

  1. Christine V says:

    (((Jenna))) I hope that your brother responds to your email.

  2. Nicki says:

    {{{{hugs}}}} Jenna

  3. Vonna says:

    You should be commended for even trying each year whereas many would not. You’re in my thoughts.

  4. Heather says:

    Sounds like you need a big hug. I’m sorry August 10th is a rough day for you, too. It’s not easy for me, either. It’s the day I CHOOSE to celebrate my birthday — instead of August 23rd, which is the actual day I came into this world and became dependent on my horrible excuse for a mother, who is a horrible excuse for a human being. My 5th wedding anniversary is August 11th, and the last day I ever saw either of my parents was August 10th, 2002 — at least, until my brother’s wedding in June of 2006, when neither of my parents even acknowledged my presence, much less my existence — after my mother threw one of her typical and ludicrous temper tantrums over not being the center of attention (apparently, she did not realize it was MY wedding). I finally put my foot down, told her to grow up and deal with it like an adult or not to bother showing up, and stopped catering to her whims at that very moment — forever. She chose to block herself — and my father — into a corner, thinking I couldn’t possibly be serious after nearly 33 years of her abuse, only this time, she made the wrong bet. And here we are today, estranged and likely better off for it. This year, because they refuse to show me the respect of honoring my repeated requests to celebrate my birthday on the day I have chosen — a choice I made for many reasons which were supported by two therapists and which specifically do not harm my psyche the way acknowledging my legal birthday DOES cause such harm — the rest of my blood relatives will also most likely join my parents in estrangement from me. Because after this long, it is time for me to put my foot down with them. And because friends are the family I choose for myself; they’ve always been better to me than any of my family ever was.

    So I hope you’ll understand when I say that I hope someday, you’ll no longer need to beat yourself up by emailing your brother on his birthday. It seems to me you are seeking approval, not love, and I hate to see anyone in that position. It usually involves begging and the person doing the begging is almost never the one who should be in that position.

  5. Meari says:

    I’m sorry to hear you’re estranged from your brother, Jenna. I can’t even imagine what it must be like. It’s bad enough for me when I get into little spats with my sister and for me it feels terrible! I don’t know what happened between the two of you, but I hope you reconcile before it’s too late… if that’s what you want to happen. At least you’ve always extended a hand and you can feel good about that. ((Hugs))

  6. Vicki says:

    That’s sad about your brother! Hope things change, but if not – it’s his loss and not yours! You have tried and that’s all you can do! I’ll be thinking about you!! Hugs!

  7. Lelia says:

    I feel your pain. Hang in there Jenna

  8. Cindy says:

    They say time heals all wounds. Hopefully, the time will come soon. {{{hugs}}}

  9. Heidi says:

    I’m so sorry jenna, I can only hope that one day the two of youwill reunite.

    I also received your wonderful birthday packages! THANK YOU SO MUCH. I love it all! I would have emailed you but I don’t hav your email.

  10. Michelle says:

    Big hugs! Hope that you are doing better today than on Friday. I so enjoyed getting to meet you and had such a great time!

  11. Joanne says:

    I hope that you sort out this aspect of you life.

  12. Isabelle says:

    That is so sad, Jenna. (((hugs)))

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