Meeting Christine

As I managed to quite gloss over mentioned in my Canadian trip summary, I was quite pleased to be able to squeeze some time in to meet up with Christine while we were in Saint John at the end of July.

I can honestly say that meeting Christine was the highlight of the trip for me. 🙂 Not to be unfair to Terry’s dad or anything, I just am not terribly comfortable around strangers, I don’t drink and being seated with the wedding party but not actually part of the wedding party was a bit awkward for me. So, the wedding was wonderful, but I was really excited about meeting Christine.

We ended up with such a narrow window of time and I was unable to get to my email nearly the entire time we were in Canada, so I almost missed the opportunity because I couldn’t look up the phone number that Christine had emailed me. I am so grateful that Christine was patiently waiting for my call and we were able to get together after all. I wasn’t actually nervous until we walked into the food court at the mall where we were meeting and realized that, while I knew what Christine looked like, we hadn’t really arranged anything specific to identify ourselves. I get a bit flustered in large, public areas, so I felt a bit lost and am sure I had the look of a frightened deer blinded by the bright headlights of an oncoming car about to hit me until Terry noticed a woman waving at us. As soon as I looked and saw it was Christine, I was so relieved! 😆

The first minute or so of any first-time meeting is always awkward, especially for me. Mostly because I’m a very huggy person and I never know for sure if the other person is receptive to that or not. Fortunately, Christine is also a hugger, so there were no worries. We made our introductions, sat down and I started yammering away. I can assure you that, contrary to most of her photos, Christine is quite capable of smiling and has a beautiful smile at that. I think she’s just trying to keep it a secret. Well, the secret is out now! 😀

I don’t remember if we were there for an hour or an hour and a half or so, but whatever it was, time flew by very quickly. I wish that we had been able to stay longer and visit more, but our schedule was tightly controlled while we were in Canada. We had a lovely time, though, and hopefully will be able to visit again. Thanks Christine!

About Jenna Magee

IT professional, needleworker, editor/proofreader, author, singer, musician.
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11 Responses to Meeting Christine

  1. Von says:

    So glad you were able to fit in some time with Christine!

    btw, if we ever have a chance to meet, I’m a hugger too. 😀

  2. Joanne says:

    I am a hugger. Glad you got to meet another blogger, and that you had a good time together, thanks for sharing the photo.

  3. Barbara says:

    Yay! Very glad to hear that there was a bright ray of sunshine to the trip! And how brave to meet in a food court – those places just make me dizzy with all the lights and activity! LOL!!!

  4. Outi says:

    Good to hear that you had a great time and thanks for sharing the picture! 🙂

  5. Isabelle says:

    What a beautiful picture of you two!! I’m glad you got to spend such a great time together.
    I’m a hugger, too 😀

  6. Coral says:

    A happy photo!!

    You both look so relaxed!

    Welcome back, my friend.

  7. Dawn says:

    Great photo! Looks like you had a great time:)

  8. Christine D says:

    And we are both smiling!!! What up with that? lol!

  9. Isn’t it fun to meet other bloggers???

  10. Michelle says:

    What a cute photo. I know what you mean about meeting new people – it’s a little scary for me too. I was happy to have a hug from you though!

  11. Vonna says:

    It looks and sounds like the time spent together was LOVELY 🙂
    How great!!

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