Here’s the thumbnail of my WIP picture for Passione Ricamo’s Fairy Celebration 2006. I dare you to find the 10 rows I’ve stitched.

Give up? Try clicking through to see the full-sized image. Now can you see it?

So, the question I want you all to weigh in on is… do I continue or not? As Terry put it, “maybe your color match was TOO good.” So, do you think it will show up enough to warrant being framed when I’m finished? Or should I just quit now? And if I quit, do I frog the 10 rows that I’ve done or just toss the thing completely? Do you think that it will show up better as I continue? Should I do another 10 rows or so and re-evaluate?

And I thought that the cream silk was going to look so good on that fabric. *sigh* Maybe if I hadn’t cut the fabric in half and decided to do it over one. Shucks.

About Jenna Magee

IT professional, needleworker, editor/proofreader, author, singer, musician.
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18 Responses to HELP!

  1. JennL says:

    I love the fabric and once I clicked I had little trouble seeing it, although I’ll freely admit that it was the change in texture that caught my eye, not a color.

    As fr whether you shuld continue, I’d base that entirely on what else is around that block. Other colors, backstitching? Cause as it stands now, it’s kinda lost.

  2. Melanie says:

    If it was me… yep, I’d be quitting now. I’d probably stick it away in a box for a while before frogging it, because it drives me crazy to frog a whole new start (I experienced this a week or so back, and haven’t stitched since!)

    Personally I think for a monochrome design to work, you do need to have a more definite contrast between fabric and floss.

    The fabric is lovely, btw 🙂

  3. Von says:

    Well, I know I wouldn’t be discarding that fabric!! Lol! But if the only floss color being used is the cream, I think I would start again on different fabric. You don’t have too much time and thread invested in the project, so it’s a learning experience – and education always costs us something. 😀

  4. Joanne says:

    The fabric is lovely Jenna, perhaps you’ll find something else to stitch on it. The cream will show on the other colors but will get ‘lost’ in the cream on the fabric and you may lose some of the effect of the design.

  5. Coral says:

    I think I could give a more ‘educated view’ if I knew what the rest of the fairy looked like, if she has backstitching and another colour between her and the fabric, it may work. I love that fabric, and unpicking one over one – almost impossible!!

  6. Outi says:

    I’d frog and change either the fabric colour or the floss colour.

    But I have to agree with Terry: your colour match is very good. 😀

  7. Barbara says:

    I’ve done this before – I love it when the color contrast is subtle, but sometimes it’s just too subtle. I’m afraid my advice would be to frog it and start over on something that offers more contrast. 🙁 That is a stunning piece of fabric and you will find the PERFECT project for it.

  8. Annavsxs says:

    Take it out. Use a lighter cream or even a white. It’s only ten rows.

  9. Christine D says:

    Well that fabric just screams fairy. It would be a waste to not use it as such. I would pull it out and adjust the floss colour.

  10. Carol says:

    Ooops! How about pulling out the lavender in the fabric instead? It might show better…. gorgeous fabric, by the way!

  11. prajantr says:

    The fabric is lovely and very fitting for the theme, so I think it would be a shame to throw it out.

    I agree that maybe the floss and fabric match a little too well. Considering how strong the colors are in the background I would actually recommend a stronger color choice instead of variations on cream – perhaps a darker, rich ..maybe vibrant gem tone?

    Just a thought…

  12. Laura says:

    That is a very close color match. I’m not familiar with the pattern you’re stitching, but if there’s no contrasting stitching or outlining around it, you *might* want to use a different fabric to, you know, let the design show more. If you do decide to use a different fabric, I think pulling those few stitches would be good. Then you can use the fabby for something else later.

  13. Dawn says:

    The fabby is gorgeous! Save it! I would try to using a different floss color first.

  14. Chelle says:

    Stunning fabric! I hope you are able to find a floss color that works.

  15. Isabelle says:

    Jenna, that is such a beautiful fabric! Looks like you got great advice and already put it to practice too – on your microwave that is 😆
    Seriously, such a gorgeous, fairy-like fabric… I totally understand why you would rather change the floss colour than the fabric.

  16. lelia says:

    Hey Jenna:

    That is some interesting fab you picked out. Seems new fiber is needed.

  17. Zohrah says:

    Even on close-up, I really had to looked around for your stitched part before my eyes could detect it.

    Might as well you frame up the fabric….”finished stitched piece”…lol

  18. suz says:

    Upside: You have a great eye for color, because dang if that’s not a perfect match.

    I would use the fabric for something else, or adjust the color of the stitch piece. The last thing I would do is toss it, it’s easy enough to frog. Don’t make me have to come find you and dig through your trash now, ok?

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