Saturday Stitching

Not too much to report, actually. I’ve slept a lot the past two days. A LOT. I slept for 18 hours straight on Friday (unintended vacation day) and a couple of extra hours this morning, as well. I also spent some time outside weeding, since the thistle are taking over the area at the front of the house. I mean, several feet high and actually starting to bloom. I love thistle flowers, but hate the weed itself. I get an allergic reaction to it, so I really hate having to handle them, even though I use leather gloves (they are extremely prickly little things). But they need to go and I took out a huge chunk of them. May have overdone it, but my shoulders were already sore, so it was hard not to. I’ll see if I’m up to doing more tomorrow.

Anyway, on the stitching front, I finished stitching a surprise for someone, so I can’t share it. It will get completed tomorrow. After that, I started stitching the Summer Dragon on Christine D’s RR fabric. A long overdue start and one that I will have to push through to make the July 1st mailing deadline.

We’re having problems with the neighbors and their pool. I knew that it was just a matter of time before they started to make enough noise to distrupt us. They have now installed an outdoor sound system that they have had on pretty all day every day for three days now. I have woken up to it the past two days. Granted, I’m not waking up until after noon, but it’s still disruptive to hear someone’s radio inside of your house. And, of course, when I was outside weeding, I heard it as if it was right near me. *sigh* I warned Terry that, as much as we might like this house and this location, if these neighbords drive me out of my mind, we’ll be moving.

It’s a good thing that we’ve decided to pick up a new hobby. One that will take us away from our home on weekends. Sailing. Yep, we are going to learn how to sail and then start renting a boat and seeing how we like it. The thought being that, if we take to it and really enjoy it, we will invest in a boat of our own and go out on the weekends. One with a small cabin and galley, so that we can pull up on shore somewhere and stay overnight, making an entire weekend of it. Ahhhhh… wouldn’t that be relaxing? Leave home and just unplug. I hope that Pheobe will be okay on a boat. We’ll find out the first time we rent one and can take her on it with us. She would be safely harnessed to something solid when we’re sailing, of course. Or maybe in the cabin, but I’d like her to get some fresh sea air. I’ve already started looking into life vests for dogs. πŸ™‚

Well, that’s enough rambling for me. Back to stitching and perhaps soon to bed.

About Jenna Magee

IT professional, needleworker, editor/proofreader, author, singer, musician.
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7 Responses to Saturday Stitching

  1. KarenV says:

    You have my sympathies on the noisy neighbours. We were woken at 5.45 yesterday morning by one set of neighbours having a (loud) conversation in the street. These were the same neighbours that had a party a couple of weeks ago – in the street – until gone midnight. Grrrrr….

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  2. Dawn says:

    How terrible about the noise! It doesn’t matter if it is late in the night or early in the afternoon, they should realize they need to keep it at a quiet level.

    Sailing sounds fun! I hope Phoebe enjoys it:)

  3. Barbara says:

    Niek loves sailing. I’m sure you will, too! And how great to keep away from noisey neighbors!

  4. Von says:

    Perhaps after the newness of their outdoor stereo system wears off, the neighbors won’t be as bothersome as often. . . at least that’s how it seems to go in my neighborhood.

    Your sailing plan sounds like a winner, Jenna! That’s one reason we bought our trailer – getting away from the everyday stresses. We just returned from just such a weekend. The phone had been ringing way too often Wednesday and Thursday and even tho it’s not usually for me, ringing phones bug me, lol! Getting away from it, sitting by the river, being out with the younger kids restores the soul. πŸ™‚

  5. Heather says:

    We have a pool in our backyard, but try not to be loud. It can be hard with kids, but we arenÒ€ℒt home during the day either, so mostly on the weekends we play in the pool. I would never install a sound system outside like that though, that is just grating. I like to be outside because itÒ€ℒs quiet outside πŸ˜›

    Sailing sounds amazing! You should take some pictures the next time you go out. There is nothing like being out on the water πŸ˜€

  6. Joanne says:

    Noisy neighbours are such a pain. Sailing sounds like a great idea. Something that you and Terry can learn and do together. We have an old and smallish sail boat parked at our holiday house. The boat belongs to FIL and DH is always saying that he is going to take it out on the river near the house, but it hasn’t happened yet.

  7. Isabelle says:

    Ack! Noisy neighbours – those can be the bane of one’s existence, can’t they. πŸ™ Grrr…

    Your sailing plans are exciting!! I learned to sail when I was in my teens, and loved it. Very soothing.
    I do hope you’re feeling better this week, my friend πŸ™‚

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