Bad Language

Oh yeah, if you want to hear me start rolling a litany of obscenities off of my tongue, just mention TB guy. Seriously. This man’s actions and attempts at defending those selfish and obviously carefully calculated actions makes me see red. I really want to see them put him in jail for a while. Let’s see, how many counts of reckless endangerment would that add up to? Two commercial, international flights full of innocent people? Yeah, that would add up pretty nicely. I wonder how far they are going to pursue this? I know that the CDC is doing an awful lot of research into what happened, but I hope that they are going to put more thought into it than just how to keep it from happening again in the future. This man was well-educated and, by all accounts, highly intelligent. He knew the risks and he played games (like moving up his flight to Greece and then taking a return flight to Canada and driving across the border to re-enter the U.S.) to avoid being detained. He obviously knew exactly what he was doing.

I saw a part of an interview with him and his new wife (congratulations, girl; you certainly caught yourself a winner) on Good Morning America. The wife was crying, I think. What a joke. They both claim that they didn’t intend to put anyone at risk. Say what? The girl’s father is a TB researcher for the CDC! Plus, the government was busy trying to figure out ways to intercept him and keep him from leaving the country and returning. I’m sorry, but “I didn’t know” doesn’t fly here (no pun intended). I would really like to see some serious punishments imposed on him for this behavior. Going on the infamous “no fly” list in perpetuity would be a good start. Other people are placed on that list for no reason other than having the wrong name; it would be nice to see someone be added to the list who really deserves it. I also wouldn’t mind seeing his illustrious personal injury lawyer (boy, does that speak volumes about his character) career suffer as a result. I know he’s still fairly young, so I don’t want his entire life ruined, but I think that he should have to deal with some serious, long-term consequences for choosing to put the lives of so many people at risk so that he could have his posh little wedding in Greece.

Ugh. I have to stop talking about this before I burst a blood vessel. Grrrrr…

About Jenna Magee

IT professional, needleworker, editor/proofreader, author, singer, musician.
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3 Responses to Bad Language

  1. Outi says:

    He’s a rather obvious case of not giving a damn of others and their well being. Unfortunately intellect and common sense aren’t the same thing. 😐

    It just makes me wonder because as far as I know in here you can be forced to be treated if you are carrying an infectious disease like TB – and I am quite sure that you can’t pass any of our outer borders legally in such case (until you aren’t a health risk to anyone).
    And.. if a HIV patient can be charged and sentenced in jail for an attempt of a man slaughter if they act recklessly, why can’t this guy be accused on same premises – as TB is probably more contagious anyway.

    Off the soap box, back to vegetative state. :mrgreen:

  2. Barbara says:

    Wow, I hadn’t heard about this. Scary. Irresponsible. And yes, there should be some sort of serious punishment attached to his actions.

  3. Isabelle says:

    I hadn’t heard about this either, and I totally agree with you, Jenna.
    Sending hugs on your way.

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