Weekend Extended

Since my holiday weekend went to crap, I woke up yesterday morning feeling much better and with a beautiful, sunny, warm day breaking outside, so I decided to take a vacation day. I’m not going to let my dumb old body cheat me out of a long weekend. 😛 Heh-heh.

So, I worked on a super special (kind-of) secret project in the morning, then I went to the post office to send out some orders for OSL, I stopped at McDonald’s and picked up a salad and a strawberry shake for lunch and headed over to visit with my friend Mary! I haven’t seen her since she stopped working months ago. Between my sinus infections and other cruddy stuff running through my body and her not feeling up to company for a while, the timing just wasn’t right until now. She wrote to me last last week and told me that she was anticipating having a good week this week, so I called her up yesterday and popped over for what turned out to be a few hours. 😆

I finally had the opportunity to deliver her SOLAK quilt (please don’t kill me, fellow SOLAK members) and she cried over it. She was just so overwhelmed that people who have never met her before would do something so special for her. 🙂 She cuddled up with it on the sofa while we sat and talked.

It felt really good to reconnect with her. She was a bit apprehensive because people have been treating her differently since her diagnosis last fall. She said that I am the first person to treat her like I always have and make her feel normal. I told her that she’s the same Mary to me! 😀

All in all, it was a really good day. I did get home until after 7:00 PM and I was exhausted by the time I fell into bed, but I felt so energized by seeing her. I had thrown on a pair of hip hugger jeans and a cute little pink button-down top in the morning and I just felt young and lively. I felt like a teenager again! Seriously, I haven’t enjoyed driving and being out by myself like that in a very long time.

I hope that the visit did her as much good as it did me. And now that we’ve re-established our relationship, we’re going to get together more often. She started to pick up scrapbooking again and could use some pointers now and again, while I haven’t touched my scrapbooks in months, so I’ll start going over to scrapbook with her. She’s starting a new chemo treatment next week, so once she settles into a routine with the meds and can predict how she’ll be feeling, we’ll work out some sort of schedule.

All in all, it was a very good day. I told her that she serves as a reminder to me that life is too short to fritter away at work and it’s definitely WAY too short to be unhappy. She also strengthened my resolve to go through with the coursework at The Art Institute Online, regardless of what happens with the scholarship and/or partial reimbursement through work.

Being a web designer truly is a marriage of my artistic side and my logical side. It is a perfect blend of creativity in coming up with the visual design and programming to make it work effectively and efficiently on the back end. I think that’s really where I want to be right now.

About Jenna Magee

IT professional, needleworker, editor/proofreader, author, singer, musician.
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4 Responses to Weekend Extended

  1. Outi says:

    By the sound of it you had a great day, which is great! You deserve it. 🙂

    And, as one of the stitchers who took part to her quilt, I am happy to hear that Mary loved it. 🙂

  2. Barbara says:

    Hey, that’s Mary of the angel quilt, right? Well this SOLAK stitcher doesn’t mind. 😉 I’m so glad she liked it and more glad that you could deliver it in person and enjoy some truly wonderful time re-bonding with each other. Sounds like you’re feeling very well, which is absolutely music to my ears. 😀

  3. Coral says:

    I am so glad you could make Mary feel happy.

    I really think you have to ‘just go for it’ regarding your design course. It is great to hear you so chirpy, and positive.


  4. Isabelle says:

    I’m glad you decided to take a day off. Hope you are feeling 100% now. Sounds like you had a great time with Mary, she must feel so loved!

    I am happy to hear that you know what you want to do, and have decided to stick to it. That’s a key to happiness, isn’t it?


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