Beadweaving Finish

I felt kinda crummy on Tuesday and was having trouble focusing while working from home, so I ripped open a Mill Hill kit for a beaded Petite Purse Pin and ripped through it in a couple of hours. The kit utilized odd count peyote stitch for the beadweaving, something I had never done before. Establishing the first couple of rows as a base is a little bit tricky, especially trying to keep even tension and everything, but after that, it’s completely smooth sailing. I had so much fun that I can’t wait to do a larger project! The photo is a little wonky because of how things were laying on the scanner, but you get the point.

Now that I have that under my belt I need to look at some of the Jill Oxton magazines that I have in stock at One Star’s Light to see what peyote projects I can get myself into and buy the appropriate issues and beads. I really think that I want to tackle a much larger amulet bag for my next project. Jill usually has one per issue, so with 3 different issues in OSL stock, I should hopefully be able to find something interesting. Fortunately, I came across a website the other day, in shopping for some Swarovski pearls for a special project for a special friend, that has great prices on Delica beads. Woot! I sense a bead stash splurge in my future… 😉

About Jenna Magee

IT professional, needleworker, editor/proofreader, author, singer, musician.
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11 Responses to Beadweaving Finish

  1. Outi says:

    That is beautiful! 🙂

  2. Vonna says:

    THAT is a sensational thing you’ve done there! Great job! You are really multi-talented 🙂

  3. Isabelle says:

    How cute is that!! You are so talented!
    (((((hugs)))))) to you, my very special friend 🙂

  4. KarenV says:

    It’s gorgeous!

  5. Barbara says:

    Wow, Jenna, that’s neat! Good for you! But I’m sorry to hear you were feeling under the weather. Are you okay now?

  6. Michelle says:

    Beautiful! I’d love to try my hand at something like this in the future. Hope you’re feeling better!

  7. Dawn says:

    That is beautiful!! Hope you are feeling better. 🙂

  8. cathymk says:

    Jenna, your beading is beautiful. I love Jills beading designs – look forward to seeing what you decide to stitch.

  9. Melanie says:

    Lovely! I really enjoy beading, I just haven’t worked any into my ‘rotation’ in ages.

  10. Von says:

    This is gorgeous, Jenna! But don’t wait to feel a bit poorly to take up your next beading project. 🙂 Can’t wait to see what you choose.

  11. Heather says:

    I’m about to advertise your sale … Would sure appreciate a return secret in the form of knowing the URL for where you found delicas at a great price! 🙂

    By the way, mail from you takes a really wonky amount of time to get to me, but I’m overdue in emailing you and Lady P to thank you for my prize win. I am so looking forward to actually having some time to stitch so I can dig into her goodies! Please let her know for me, and I will eventually (hopefully not too far in the future, as I really try not to be too awfully rude-looking) thank her myself, too. 🙂

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