A Beautiful Day to Garden

Not too hot, mostly cloudy so that the sun wasn’t beating on me. Just right.

I started by watering my seedlings. The herbs seem to be germinating nicely and I think I’m going to have a nice planter crop of them this year. The pepper and tomato seedlings are doing very well and are ready to plant in the garden beds when I get them cleared out and tilled. The broccoli seedlings are questionable, as their stems are long but weak and don’t seem to be able to stand up on their own right now. The lone onion is… I have no idea. It’s still alive. I have a feeling that onions don’t do well from seed. I have some bulbs somewhere that I will try once the beds are tilled.

Then I tackled pruning (more like performing surgery) on our poor little cherry tree. Portions of it have died out, there are places on the trunk where the bark is splitting open and it’s generally unhappy. But it does still have more than half of its branches with foliage on and I can’t bare to lose it, so I bought some tree wound dressing the other day and decided to bite the bullet and cut off everything that’s dead. It’s now done, though it was tough for me to do, and all of the wounds have been coated, including all of the spots on the trunk. If I have to coat the entire bottom half of the trunk to save it, I will. So, it looks a little funky now (I should have taken before and after pictures), but I think that it will survive. I also pounded in two fertilizer stakes and watered it. I will try to remember to water it weekly this summer and see if I can’t get it to recover and perk up. If it does, it will put out new shoots for branches and try to rebalance itself. I have my fingers crossed and am half tempted to learn Reiki so that I can transmit some healing energy to it. What can I say? I’m a tree hugger. 🙂

After that, I dug out a small evergreen bush that was dying off and moved it to another spot. Then I dug up our monstrosity (4+ feet) of a cheddar pink, divided it into two and moved it to the mulched area at the very front of our property, near the mailbox.

So, you see, I’ve been a busy girl. And now it’s time to think about some dinner and sit down for an evening/night of stitching. Last night, I stayed up very late and put away all of my threads from old projects, including overdyeds, even though it meant having to reorganize 4 out of my 6 Stitchbow holders to make room for everything. Bit I stuck it out and got it done. Now I feel better. I pulled all of the threads for Barnabee’s Quest part 2 and to start Irish Blessing Sampler to commemorate a friend’s wedding. I think that Barnabee will finally get some much-needed attention tonight. If so, I’ll post a progress photo on Monday, maybe. 😉

I hope that everyone is having a wonderful weekend!

About Jenna Magee

IT professional, needleworker, editor/proofreader, author, singer, musician.
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7 Responses to A Beautiful Day to Garden

  1. Outi says:

    I got a mental image of you standing next to that poor tree dressed in surgeon’s protective clothes saying to Terry: Hand me a saw, please. 😆

    Maybe I should get to bed… 🙄

  2. Barbara says:

    LOL @ Outi’s comment. I was having similiar visions, but less doctor-ly and more tree-hugger-ly. LOL. Give the little cherry tree a hug from me when you tuck it in at bedtime tonight, okay? 😀

    I always buy my mom fruit trees for mother’s day (this year being the exception) so it’s interesting to hear about all the extra work I inadvertently make for her.

    I hope your stitching has been enjoyable and that you’ll enjoy a wonderful day tomorrow!!!

  3. Von says:

    Hi Jenna! I’ve been out gardening this afternoon too. 🙂 Got some weeding done as well as planting, with more to follow after church tomorrow! I’m just so anxious for my back yard to be exploding with color. Now my allergies are getting to me, lol!

    I’ve had quite a bit to catch up on with you today. Glad you’ve been stitching lots and sure hope that uti is a thing of the past.

  4. prajantr says:

    Hi! It sounds like you made some great progress. Maybe the broccoli didn’t have enough light, so it started trying to stretch?

  5. Dawn says:

    Wow! You were busy:) Hope you got an evening full of stitching!

  6. KarenV says:

    It does sound like you’ve been busy! Hope the cherry tree survives 🙂

  7. Isabelle says:

    Aw, give the cherry tree a hug for me, and enjoy your outdoor time!
    Have a lovely Sunday.

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