
We had a major hardware failure on one of our servers last night. Terry was up until the wee hours of the morning trying to figure out how to bypass the corrupted hardware. Unfortunately, the hardware held the key to all of our data, including my blog, One Star’s Light, etc.

For whatever reason, the most recent data that Terry could pull from backup was from March 30th. This means that I’m missing a few blog entries. It also means that OSL is minus an order, but fortunately, I keep all of the order emails generated from the system, so I was still able to ship the order and manually reconciled the store inventory.

In the meantime, poor Terry has been dealing with aftershocks all day. We lost wireless connectivity for a while, my web mail is still down (but I can get into it in other ways) and other random things have been been working, then breaking, then working again. I think that Terry is fried. He slept in until I woke him up at 3 PM.

On the stitching front, I’m working on a model, so I can’t share anything. Again. I want to try to complete the model this weekend and get some serious time in on Spring Dragon, as well as maybe Barnabee’s Quest.

My parents are coming for a visit this weekend, arriving sometime tomorrow afternoon or evening. Hopefully, Mom won’t mind that I’m going to take my stitching corner from her (that’s where she usually sits). I’m going to try to stick to my normal weekend routine of sleeping in and stitching. So, I may or may not have some stitching to share Sunday night or so.

Have a wonderful holiday weekend everyone!

About Jenna Magee

IT professional, needleworker, editor/proofreader, author, singer, musician.
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6 Responses to Uh-oh!

  1. Outi says:

    That’s horrible! 😯

    Nevertheless, I hope you have a good weekend. 🙂

  2. Barbara says:

    Dratted gremlins! I hope the aftershocks end soon and that everything will be back to normal (and stay that way!).

    Wishing you a very happy upcoming Easter!!

  3. Isabelle says:

    Drat! Hope things soon go back to normal.
    Happy Holiday to you! 🙂

  4. Dawn says:

    Have a great Easter weekend!

  5. Von says:

    Oh my goodness, Jenna. It’s just awful when the computers that run our lives go haywire! Poor Terry, especially. Sounds like things are coming back. Our internet provider gave us fits all day Wednesday, mostly it was just down, forcing the kids to get creative and actually do some chores and find other games to play, lol!

    Have a very happy Easter!

  6. L says:

    Yikes! Sorry to hear about the computer stuff.

    [no, Tori was home a few weeks ago for Spring Break — I won’t see her for a very long time as she was hired for the Summer as a Housing Assistant May-Aug]

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