Almost Gone

Me, not my sinus infection. At Terry’s urging, I went to the doctor yesterday to get checked out. I told her that I had to get on a plane tomorrow afternoon. She then took stats and looked in both of my ears. Her response was, “How long do we have to get you better?” So, I went to the pharmacy and came home loaded up with things to swallow, things to snort, more things to swallow and a strong desire not to perforate an eardrum on the way to Utah. The doctor said that inside my left ear looks like a big, yellow balloon. Woohoo! Terry’s comment was that from what he’s heard, at least it feels better once the eardrum bursts. Gee, thanks honey! 😆

I’ve been taking it easy the past few days, staying home from work, trying to get lots of rest. Oh yeah, I was supposed to be drinking lots of water. Shucks. I had better get on that. I woke up with a sinus headache this morning. Everything shifted to the left side a day or so ago, so that pretty much supports the doctor’s conclusion that the right side is clearing out. I took some Sudafed (you know, the good stuff that you actually have to ask the pharmacist for now *much rolling of the eyes and a few grumbles about the majority having to pay for the stupidity of a few*), some Excedrin and laid with my face on a heating pad for a little while and the pain went away. I was sorely tempted to call the doctor’s office this morning and ask for her to phone in some knock-out pills so that I could just be passed out through the whole flight. Somehow, I didn’t think that would go over well. 😉

I am resigned to my fate, whatever it may be, but I would certainly appreciate some healing thoughts, if you have any to spare. I never used to have sinus problems before a year ago. Phooey!

On the weather front, ice has been spitting out of the sky all day, with no end in sight. Airlines have already cancelled flights, so we’ll be keeping a wary eye on Delta’s website for the next 24 hours before we leave for the airport. I probably won’t check in again until sometime Monday. We’ll be packing up and leaving for Terry’s dad’s tonight, provided the roads are passable, then going to the airport about this time tomorrow and skiing all day on Sunday (hopefully).

I wish I could take Phoebe with me. It would be so comforting to have her in the hotel with me during the day while Terry’s gone. 🙂 But I’m taking work, a couple of books, some drawing materials, a Gameboy and lots of stitching with me, so if I end up bored, it will be my own fault. Heehee!

Well, the dryer just stopped and I’m still thinking of things to be packed, so I should go. Besides, now might be a good time for a nap!

About Jenna Magee

IT professional, needleworker, editor/proofreader, author, singer, musician.
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8 Responses to Almost Gone

  1. Outi says:

    I hope you have a problem free flight – and lots of stitching when you get there! 😉

  2. Barbara says:

    Oh, Jenna!! Sending you LOADS of healing thoughts!! My left ear is also infected, but I haven’t been to the doc yet. I’m trying to ignore it. 😉 As long as I only blow my nose very gently. In a couple of years, I’ll have my full set of needles and I can heal the world. LOL!!

  3. KarenV says:

    You poor thing! I hope you’re feeling better soon and that you make it out to Utah OK – take care 🙂

  4. Anne S says:

    Huge {{{hugs}}} – hope your sinusitus gets nipped in the bud soon, and that your flight goes smoothly 🙂 Have a great time away … sounds like you’ve definitely got loads to keep your occupied 😀

  5. Von says:

    Sending many healing thoughts and praying for you, Jenna! I do hope you’re feeling better for your flight and that you’ll have some fun in Utah!

  6. Christine D says:

    I hope you feel much better soon and your flight goes smoothly. Enjoy your trip!

  7. Cindy says:

    Oh I hope you heal quick so you can enjoy your trip! Sending some ~~~healing vibes~~~ your way!

  8. coral says:

    Eek, I hope your flight goes smoothly – it sounds like it could be horrid!

    Have a great trip!


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