The Ball is Rolling

The fog is coalescing quite a bit faster around the ONS dream now. I appreciate all of your supportive comments and have already talked to two distributors and ordered a start-up guide from TNNA (The National NeedleArts Association). I need to talk to our friend who started his own business a little while ago and find out how he went about incorporating and doing some of the other things that I need to worry about for starters.

I need to start thinking about what products I want to carry. I want to start with just a couple of designers and a couple of fiber manufacturers and slowly start to build up, especially as I build business relationships and gain enough credibility to get accounts with the distributors, attend trade shows, apply for buying privileges at cash and carry markets like Nashville, etc. If you have any input on what designers and manufacturers you would like to see me carry, feel free to leave a comment or drop me an email. I’m especially interested in those things which are more challenging for you to find elsewhere.

So, the fog is still misty, but I have more of an idea of what it will take to make this dream a reality. It’s amazing how much you can accomplish in a short period of time when your body reacts as strongly to caffeine as mine does. 🙂

About Jenna Magee

IT professional, needleworker, editor/proofreader, author, singer, musician.
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13 Responses to The Ball is Rolling

  1. Outi says:

    Woohoo! You go Jenna! 😀

  2. Vonna says:

    well that IS quite impressive! I’ve thought a lot about this as well. But I just don’t have the resources nor time to put into it. Have you thought about having a “side” business on eBay? I know that a place like eBay would help build your customer base as well as all of us!

  3. Cathy says:

    You and I are so much alike in that once an idea forms, we go for it! Feel free to use some of my ideas if you ever decide to get premises, I’m sure mine will never amount to more than a dream…
    You and I have very similar taste in charts, fabrics, etc. so just know that as far as things to carry, if you like it, I’ll buy it. If you start an ONS, I’ll be a loyal customer for life! I was thinking you’d be the perfect person to start this off, since you’ve already got the website formatting under your belt. Good luck if you really do it. I know you’ll be fantastic at it. I still think you should start designing!

  4. Melanie says:

    I am in awe, Jenna, of your ability to go with a dream! Good on you, I can’t wait to see what you come up with.

  5. Isabelle says:

    Wow Jenna, I got to read all three posts at the same time, and wow!! You really do have a plan forming. I totally agree with all that Cathy said. You should definitely start designing as well!

  6. Dawn says:

    I would definately buy stash from you! 🙂 Good luck!!

  7. Angela says:

    Since you ask 😉
    I have a hard time finding finding tons of them. I want Valerie Pfeiffer designs- the birds in particular, Sweetheart Tree, Margaret Sherry (the cats in particular), Solo the Cat… Books I can’t get here as easily like the Pinn Cross Stitch Book- “Chinese Calligraphy Chart Book”, and “The Flower Fairies Alphabet Chart Book”.
    For threads I need things like hand dyed ones, like Gentle Art Sampler Threads, Olde Willow Threads (for the San Man Originals freebies). All of these things aren’t near me, the big box places don’t carry this sort of stuff.
    (all done for now, maybe I should have emailed this!)

  8. Michelle says:

    This is wonderful! How fantastic that you are not only having the intention, but taking action on it. I would so love to have a place like you’re describing where I could go to learn hardanger, and other specialty stitching. It might even be fun to be able to carry International designers – there are Australian, French, German designers all doing such beautiful work, but here in the states we are not often exposed to their work (except when we read wonderful blogs!!!). Just a thought. Have fun with your new ideas and go for it!

  9. Barbara says:

    Hi Jenna. This is so exciting! I’d also buy from you! Once I buy stuff again. sigh…

    Michelle brought up a good point with the international designers. There are some really great German and French designers that are very hard to obtain outside of Germany or France. You might also take a look for designer/designers that offer something that’s close to your heart – a philosophy or other interest, for example.

    I can’t wait to see what you come up with next!

  10. Cindy says:

    Wow! All that momentum from a SBQ! You go girl!

  11. Karen says:

    Way to go Jenna!! I hope this all works out for you. Who better to buy stash from than a fellow blogger!! 🙂

  12. Coral says:

    I love Theresa Wentzler, and her designs are for sale all over the place, not one place carries all of her designs. Just Nan, lovely stuff, and Catherine Strickland. Vivian Powell’s cats are divine, but difficult to get hold of, too.

    If you see the way Victoria Sampler deals with their customers, I couldn’t ask for better, friendlier service!

    Go for it Jenna! We are all behind you, cheering!

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