We Have Furniture!

Ahhhhhhh… that’s a happy sigh, not a scream, though it could also be a squeal. 😉 The delivery company called yesterday and said that our delivery window was sometime today between 7 AM and 11 AM. SHOCK! We didn’t go to bed until sometime after 1 AM and had to wake up at 5:30 Am to get ready. LOL. We did manage to the entire room cleared out, though, and didn’t actually have to twiddle our thumbs for long before they arrived. I was able to take pictures of the empty room and tomorrow I will take pictures of the loaded room so that you can see the before and after. It’s truly incredible.

I am nearly beside myself with joy and contentment. Truly. I realized this morning that I have not have furniture since I was in high school. That means, up to this point, I have lived nearly half of my life without furniture! It’s no wonder I had no idea what to fill up all of these drawers with. I felt like a caveman being introduced to a new concept when I was looking at all of the storage. What is this thing… sto – rag – eee? Me no understand. What me do with this… draw – er? 😉 Seriously. I have had organized piles of folded clothes on the floor for so long that it took me a little while today to realize that I could now move this stuff into my dresser. 😆 For the first time since we moved in, there is almost nothing on the floor!

I have now used all but one of the drawers between my dresser and my nightstand. That’s impressive for me. Of course, there’s nothing in the armoire yet, except the TV and components. One step at a time. Terry remarked that it feels like we’re in a hotel and he’s right. I moved some old lamps, that his parents gave us many years ago and have been sitting in our basement gathering dust, onto our generously-size nightstands and now it has a lovely glow. I was able to take doilies that his mom and my mom have made and use them all over the place. In fact, I am going to solicit more from my mother to use on my dresser. I was laying there for a little while, in this huge-feeling poster bed, trying to take a nap so I could get rid of the monster headache that has come on from moving so much stuff around over the past couple of days, and tears started to leak out of the corners of my eyes.

As I laid there, looking around in amazement at our new room, I thought up about how much my life has changed over the past two years. And here comes the personal growth portion of this post. So much has happened to me over the past two years and I have grown and transformed myself so much, it is a wonder. I used to wear jeans and a t-shirt to work. Now I wear khakis and nice tops. I never used to wear makeup and now I wear it to work everyday. I now wear heels without worrying that I’m going to tower over my husband. I am standing up for myself in my career and demanding a change, which is allowing me to climb to new heights and expand my skills. I demand and command respect and don’t hesitate to give it to others. I stand up for myself and am very open, honest and forthright in my communications and my relationships. My house is finally almost completely furnished. Things are just coming together for me in such an incredible way. I am starting to feel whole and comfortable in my own skin. It’s just hard to believe the difference. I feel like the planets are aligning themselves and I can soon start to live my life and enjoy what I’ve worked so hard to achieve. Life is good. 😀

About Jenna Magee

IT professional, needleworker, editor/proofreader, author, singer, musician.
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8 Responses to We Have Furniture!

  1. Isabelle says:

    I’m so happy for you!
    Can’t wait to see the furniture 🙂 ((((Jenna))))

  2. AnneS says:

    Wow, your post gave me goosebumps … I feel so happy for you – your joy just radiates from this post 😀 Way to go, girlfriend! Can’t wait to see the piccies:D

  3. Outi says:


    And big happy dance for the good life! 🙂

  4. Vicki says:

    Your blog really had a great impact on me. I am a much older woman who has been through 2 horrible years. I hope I will soon have the joy that you have. Thank you!

  5. Christine D says:

    I am a firm believer that if you are on the right path, the Powers That Be do everything in its power to help you. I am so glad you are experiencing this, Jenna. You deserve it.

  6. Christine V says:

    I’m totally looking forward to seeing the new furniture! I can relate to the feeling of having chosen something for your own place because that’s how I felt when the bedroom furniture DF and I ordered arrived (about 3 months after I moved in).

  7. Angela says:

    Wonderful Jenna! That feeling, of things falling into place is- addicting!
    I am so happy for you guys…
    And before I forget-
    Merry Christmas!

  8. Cathy says:

    I’m so glad that you’re seeing the change in yourself. That can be really hard to recognize and acknowlege. Can’t wait to see the new furniture, I’m sure it’s gorgeous!

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