Where Has All the Stitching Gone?

Yes, I am still stitching, believe it or not. Things are just proceeding very slowly, as I’ve been having trouble sitting down and focusing on it lately.

I have a nice sized finish to show off, but it’s kinda secret at the moment, so it will have to wait.

However, I did have my 15th finish in my now 70 projects challenge yesterday. It’s a charity quilt square, which I tend not to show and I don’t think they are terribly fantastic most of the time, but since I have nothing else to share and y’all are probably dying for some photos to lighten this place up a bit… I’ll show you yesterday’s finish and the previous SOLAK square finish, as well. Both were designed by me:


Xbox Logo

Both of these will go into a quilt for a little boy who loves play his Xbox, Megaman, Spiderman, Digimon and several other things for which there are no existing designs. 😆 So, I had to bite the bullet and make some up myself. There are 2 other designs that I have created which have yet to be stitched. One is an Xbox console and controller, which is my current commuter project and the other is one I entitled “Megaman in Action.” I basically just trolled Google for photos and then tried to simulate them in cross stitch.

I don’t really have the time to stitch all of them myself, but I tossed out the availability of the designs to the SOLAK group and had no takers, so I’m slowly working through them. I haven’t even stitched my square for Mary’s quilt yet, plus I need to keep cracking on Cathy’s RR which is my top priority. I need to be able to survive on less sleep so that I can have more time to stitch!

About Jenna Magee

IT professional, needleworker, editor/proofreader, author, singer, musician.
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8 Responses to Where Has All the Stitching Gone?

  1. Leslie says:

    I just love those pieces…Allen found a image of a cross stitch someone had designed from an early Zelda game.

  2. Barbara says:

    Limits, Jenna – you’ve gotta set ’em and respect ’em! Seriously woman, these are great for Dre’s quilt but send me the patterns that still need to be stitched so I can help out, okay?? (chatterton@planet.nl)

    You’ve created brilliant designs!!

  3. Cindy says:

    I think you definitely deserve to take the week off at Christmas! You have been a busy bee 🙂

  4. Cathy says:

    Just wanted to stop by and say hi! I’m having trouble keeping up lately – seems to be true for others too!

  5. Loretta says:

    you did a great job on these, looking forward to seeing more! 🙂
    great work on the designing part and the stitching part!

  6. prajantr says:

    Wow, what a great idea – and your designs are so good! Very clever and they look wonderful. I’d love to see the oter two designs.

    Just be careful not to work yourself too hard, ok?

  7. Angi says:

    They look great jenna!!! yay for you!

  8. lelia says:

    Hey Jenna: Very cool blocks for the charity quilt.

    What a ‘busy’ time in your life. Sounds like you have a lot of stuff going on!!

    I think some stitchers + stitching have been on the back burner for awhile!

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