Mary’s Diagnosis is In

For those of you who have been following my friend Mary’s health problems (and more) via my blog, here is an update with the official diagnosis from her oncologist as of Friday, November 3rd.

The cancer is metastatic and is actually a recurrence of the breast cancer. It is present in both of her lungs and in her liver. It is NOT in her brain, thankfully.

She will be starting chemotherapy on Friday because she has been having a lot of difficulty breathing lately and needs some relief as soon as possible. She will be taking a drug called Herceptin, which binds the cancerous cells and inhibits their growth. She will be able to take this for the rest of her life, to help prevent any future problems, as well. She will also receive an intravenous drug called Navelbine once a week for 3 weeks and then she will have one week on and repeat this for several months. This drug has a 60% change of shrinking her tumors by 50% and will not cause her to lose her hair. This is the one that she starts on Friday, even before her port is surgically inserted. If, for some reason, this doesn’t have the desired effect, then there are still lots of alternative treatments.

The doctor predicts that she has many years left ahead of her, which is exactly what her friends and family wanted to hear! 😀

Mary was in very good spirits and feeling very optimistic and at peace with this news when I talked to her on Friday, but she is now very worried and anxious. She thanks all of your for your thoughts and your prayers and is certain that we have kept her going through the uncertainty of the past few weeks. Please continue them, if you can, while she prepares for and goes through this round of treatment, which will last from 3 to 6 months. Especially right now, as she struggles to breathe and is unable to get much rest.

And thank you so much for all of your loving words and thoughts for me. I greatly appreciate your strength during troubled times. *hugs*

About Jenna Magee

IT professional, needleworker, editor/proofreader, author, singer, musician.
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14 Responses to Mary’s Diagnosis is In

  1. Outi says:

    That is good news (great news would be that she had been healthy). 🙂

    Give some (((for Mary))) from me.

    (P.S. I’m getting there with the second angel (good achievement noticing that I stitch it at nights if I can’t sleep) and he’ll be finished this week. After that those pieces will fly to Sylvia asap. 🙂 )

  2. Isabelle says:

    I’ll be praying for Mary. Give her our hugs and good thoughts!

  3. Isabelle says:

    Forgot to say, Thank you for keeping us posted and (((hugs))) for you too! 🙂

  4. Glad to hear the prognosis is good. My thoughts remain with Mary and her family!

  5. Barbara says:

    Oh, wow, Jenna. It’s not the best possible news, but it’s good news. I am so glad that Mary has years ahead of her. I will continue to think of her and hope for her, that her treatment will go as well as possibly and that she’ll soon be on to the next phase of her life. (((((hugs!)))))

  6. Melanie says:

    It’s so hard to know what to feel – glad that Mary has many years ahead, but sorry that she still must go through the whole drug regime, and any of this to begin with, really. My thoughts are with her.

  7. Stitch says:

    Hi Jenna! Good to hear that Mary is going to be ok. It is true that it’s not fair that she has to suffer like this, but then again maybe trials like this in our lives only make us stronger and wiser people. I would wish her an Angel..but I think she already has one in a friend like you. 🙂 Let me know if there is anything I can do for the both of you. 🙂

    *BIG HUGS Jenna and Mary*

    X Stitch X

  8. Myrna says:

    Hi Jenna…

    I will continue to keep your friend Mary in my thoughts and prayers… along with you and her family. {{{Hugs}}}

  9. Carol says:

    Congratulations to Mary, despite the reality of the cancer…. what a relief to hear good words from the doc!

  10. I’m so glad things are going better!! I’ll keep on praying for her and her family.
    Hugs to the both of you from Italy

  11. Cindy says:

    I will continue to pray for Mary. It is good news that she will have many years left!!! Give Mary my love and tell her that she is continualy in my prayers!!!!

  12. Meari says:

    That’s great news!

  13. Agibregrani says:

    Have you ever dreamed of stripping away the layers of body fat surrounding your midsection or thighs, but never really knew where to begin?

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