The Official Weekend Update

We worked a lot this weekend, but the software has been deployed and with great success. It went off without any major hitches, just a number of little ones and it took some time to get everything working and playing together nicely. Tomorrow will undoubtedly bring questions from people who have not been truly paying attention to all of our presentations throughout the past weeks and months, but that is to be expected. And then I will be done with the project work that has been capturing my attention for a couple of months and back to my normal grind. *sigh* However, I have decided that while I am trying to create a plan to take my career in a new direction, I will approach my work with a new attitude and renewed fervor in order to help keep me from growing increasing despondent.

On the furbaby front, Phoebe and I both thank you for your heartfelt good wishes. She has been improving every day and is finally back to her spunky self today. Her wound has scabbed over and she’s been running around like a happy pup. She’s been eating her “crunchies” (dry dog food; she has a bowl of it out at all times and gets wet food every night, as well) again and has finally had a bowel movement for the first time since Thursday. I’ve never been so happy to see a pile of dog poo in my entire life. 😆 She’s happy, I’m happy, it’s all good. 😀

As for my cold, it has run through its paces and today I am just left with a seemingly interminably drippy nose. I can handle that.

On the stitching front, no real stitching, but I did finish blackwork square #5 into a biscornu and started to finish blackwork square #6, as well, taking copious, detailed pictures at every little step. As a result, I’m only 1/4 of the way through actually putting it together, but I won’t need any more pictures until I get to the 3/4 mark and stuff it, so I should be able to get it finished tomorrow night, if I feel like it. Also, the paillettes arrived for the Sweetheart Tree design Enchantment, so I attached them to the design and the top piece of my mother’s biscornu is now finished.

Without any further ado, here are the pictures:

Finally, I haven’t forgotten about the great scissors giveaway. I have sorted them and will take photos this week… 😉

About Jenna Magee

IT professional, needleworker, editor/proofreader, author, singer, musician.
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6 Responses to The Official Weekend Update

  1. lelia says:

    Good News about Pheobe. I know what a relief must be for you & Terry.

    your Sweetheart Tree came out very well. What a nice gift! Pretty with the pailettes.

    Beautiful biscornu collection. So interesting to use color in the linens. Wow. What a good idea!

  2. AnneS says:

    Great to hear Phoebe has perked up again … and your biscornus all turned out beautifully 🙂 Great scissor grab, too! 😉

  3. Michelle says:

    These are just beautiful! You have really outdone yourself with all of these!

  4. Coral says:

    I know I am a bit late, but for a drippy nose try asprin, it works for some to dry it up.

  5. KarenV says:

    All your biscornus look wonderful Jenna! So glad that Phoebe is feeling better 🙂

  6. prajantr says:

    All of them look lovely. 🙂

    Also, I’m so glad that Phoebe is doing better.

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