SBQ – Over-dyed Floss Storage

Today’s SBQ was suggested by Ami and is:

For those of you who use hand or over-dyed floss, how do you store it?

If the floss or silk came attached to a card, then I hang the cards on a large ring, by manufacturer and then color name or number. If it did not come on a card, then it is stored in a small plastic zip bag and hung on a large ring.

That’s the simple explanation. In reality, if the floss or silk is wrapped around itself and has a loop, I will hang it on a ring until I actually pull it apart and use it, at which point I put it into a floss bag. But that’s it. Nothing fancy. 🙂

About Jenna Magee

IT professional, needleworker, editor/proofreader, author, singer, musician.
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2 Responses to SBQ – Over-dyed Floss Storage

  1. lelia says:

    Hey, you’re organized! I have a felt-lined picnic basket (I swear) which I toss all the overdye & specialty stuff inside. I did break down & purchase some of those rings – for the week’s & GAST cards.

    I stopped buying overdye stuff as it gets expensive & sometimes the stitching areas are so small, the variety of hues don’t show up. Well – not stopped, but slowed down!

    And, I always want to kick something when the dye lots change!!!!

  2. Claudia says:

    I’ve been browsing for thread storage discussions and here I am.

    I recently discovered FLANGER, floss on a hanger. The floss is wrapped around a winder, cut and then stored on a stainless steel coil-less pin. (I do the wrapping and cutting) The threads are cut to about 22 inches (a good length for my stitching) and they just hang. I can pick out one or two individual plies and they are already cut so I can stitch faster.

    The web site is brand new, but you can call and get more info.
    Check out
    good luck

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