I Think I’m Broken

I’m far too tired to blog. I can’t get the thoughts flitting about my skull to stop long enough to congeal into somethink coherent. If they stop, they tend to fall down and die or flit right out one of my ears! I can be in the middle of a sentence and WHAM! The thought is gone. Buh-bye. See you later, if I’m lucky.

I had blood taken on Friday morning (finally; I’ve only had the prescription for two months) so maybe the results will yield something conclusive about why I’ve been so darned tired all of the time! I only have 1 more hour left at work and I feel like I’m barely going to make it. Good thing I stitched on my way in to work this morning because who knows if I’ll stay awake long enough to do any once I reach home! I’ve been burning through my vacation like crazy because I keep having to take a day off here and there so that I can succumb to this sleep monster that’s trying to gobble me up from the inside. I’m drowning in drowsiness.

Sleepy, sleepy, sleepy, sleepy…

About Jenna Magee

IT professional, needleworker, editor/proofreader, author, singer, musician.
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7 Responses to I Think I’m Broken

  1. Stitch says:

    Awww..poor Jenna! I do hope you feel better soon! I understand about not feeling like doing much…or having words leaking out of your ears. It happens to me everytime I sit down to write an actual snail mail letter. I have the whole thing written in my head….and Poof..be gone!! Something about that blank piece of paper…..scary concept. 😛 Anyhoo, stick to stitching…it’s easier on the mind..unless you are attempting a Kincade or something…then you need HELP! 🙂

    *BIG HUGS*

    Feel better soon luv!

    X Stitch X

  2. cathymk says:

    ((hugs)) hope you get some real rest soon, sweetie.

  3. Cathy says:

    Sometimes I’m too tired to blog too. Sometimes I’m too tired to stitch! Ah well, hopefully the doctors will figure something out for you. Hugs.

  4. Zohrah says:

    Hugs and hope you feel better soon and positive results from doctor. 🙂

  5. BeckySC says:

    Hello dear Jenna 🙂
    Just wanted to send you a ((((((((hug)))))))) 🙂 Missed ya!!!

  6. Outi says:

    Oh… 🙁

    I hope they figure out what’s draining you.

  7. Michelle says:

    Jenna, although I love sleeping, it is miserable feeling that tired all of the time. I hope that your bloodwork yields some clue as to what is causing it. Feel better!

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