Oh, What a Beautiful Morning!

Today’s title is brought to you in the beautiful tenor voice of Bender (from Futurama) in the episode where he is reformed after joining a robot church. Of course, he is tempted back to his usual vices and ends up in Robot Hell, where they do a fabulous musical number, but that’s besides the point. 😉

Technically, it’s not that beautifu todayl. There’s a Nor’Easter rolling in off of the ocean and we’re going to get rain at some point, so the sky is cloudy and gray. But none of that matters to me.

I’ve been up since 6:30 AM. I know that doesn’t seem early to most of you, but to me, it’s early. Especially with my recent fatigue problems. You see, I had to get up in the middle of the night and take some Excedrin so that I could stop the beginning of a migraine that was threatening to ruin my whole day. And it worked! I was even able to sleep off the effects of the caffeine… or so I thought, until the alarm went off and I found myself lying in bed, eyes wide open, completely awake. I resigned myself to getting up and at least taking Phoebe outside to do her business. Then I found myself in the strange position of having 20 minutes or so to myself, in the complete silence and wonderful stillness that is the early morning hours at my house. Ahhhhhh…

I actually sat down and started basting my round robin fabric. Something that desperately needs to get done so that I can stitch my part, pack it up and send it out on the 15th, and yet, I had yet to find the time to actually do. So, I’m now 1/3 of the way through the basting and so happy that I finally picked this up, even if my morning brain was having trouble counting every two stitches.

That brief respite seems to have set the tone for the rest of my day. I’ve strapped on my high-heeled boots and am ready to take on the world. I call them my power boots because they have these big chunky heels that make this wonderful loud thunk when you’re walking down the hall; they make me stand up straight and the heel makes me 6 feet tall or more, so it really helps me feel like I can go toe to toe with any man in IT around here and tower over most of them. Heh heh heh. I am woman, hear me ROAR! 😈

About Jenna Magee

IT professional, needleworker, editor/proofreader, author, singer, musician.
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5 Responses to Oh, What a Beautiful Morning!

  1. Isabelle says:

    Looks like you’ll be having a great day indeed! 😀 6 feet tall, my! I’m not even 5 feet 1″. I’m such a dwarf 😮
    Have a great day! I love waking up early and having the flat to myself while Seb and Violette are still sleeping 😉

  2. Christine V says:

    It sounds like you’re ready to take on the world today, Jenna!! As a fellow tall person, I understand what you mean about putting on heels and being 6ft tall. I rarely wear them though (killer on my knees and back) but it sure feels good to sashay in them sometimes!!

    I like getting up when it’s nice and quiet, too. It’s rare that I do but some days it just sets the best tone for the day.

  3. Von says:

    Wow! 6 feet tall in those heeled boots! Altho I’m taller than Isabelle by a couple of inches, I’d better pack my wedges to even begin to compete with you, lol!
    I got out of bed early this morning too, and even showered before anyone else in the house. I almost always take last position. I’ve been very self-indulgent the last couple of years about mostly sleeping until 7:30, but am going to try rising earlier and enjoying those lovely mornings sipping coffee on my deck.

  4. Annette says:

    Having recently switched to getting up at 5:30 in the morning, 6:30 sounds like a lazy day during the week…definitely early for the weekend, though LOL

  5. Barbara says:

    I used to have a pair of boots that made me feel that way, years ago. I wore them till they literally fell apart.

    The early hours of the day were always my favorite, but for the past years I’ve been too caught up in the kids’ schedules to enjoy those quiet, early hours. Maybe it’s time to try again…

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