Sunday Morning Musings

Okay, so here’s a thought for you. When faced with the question “Who do you want to be when you grow up,” does anyone ever answer “I want to be exactly where I am, doing exactly what I am doing?” Aren’t we always wishing that we were someone else, doing something different? And what if we were to achieve that and do that? Wouldn’t we answer the question with yet another, different goal?

So, is it the human condition to always be striving for something just out of reach? What about you? Are you looking to do something else, be someone else? Are you looking for a new career? Are you searching for yourself?

Think about it. From the time we are children, we are constantly being asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Many children answer that they want to be a superhero or a police officer or a firefighter and some actually go on to those careers. But here is the real question: why can’t we just let our children be children? Why do we encourage them to worry about the future from the time that they are young?

By the way, why does that question inevitably invite an answer that involves a career? Even as adults, why don’t we answer that question with something like “I want to be someone who is happy?” Or someone who feels fulfilled and radiates self-confidence and self-worth, regardless of the situation?

My answer today is – I want to BE. I want to be who I am in this very moment; flaws, zits, self-doubt and all. I am content to be who I am right now. I choose not to worry about the future. I am not defined by my career. I am defined by my character, morals and beliefs. I am a beautiful person, inside and out, and today I am happy. 😀

About Jenna Magee

IT professional, needleworker, editor/proofreader, author, singer, musician.
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2 Responses to Sunday Morning Musings

  1. Barbara says:

    Hooray for you! Today I’ll also be who I am and be happy with me. Thanks!

  2. Ash says:

    LOL Hmmm..quite perplexing thought processes you have there Jenna. I agree with you though and often if my memory serves me correctly when that question was asked of me, I defered with a shrug of my shoulders. I still don’t have a clear idea of what I want to be. LOL Well that’s not true, what I want to be hasn’t been invented yet at least not to my knowledge. I agree with you though, I want to just be me as well. Nothing more or nothing less…take it or leave it. If you don’t like the wrapper, don’t bite into the candy! 😉

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