Crazy Dog!

I gave Phoebe a bath today and she gets SO wound up afterwards. She just runs and runs and runs around the house like a crazy dog. Sometimes I wonder if it’s her attempt to speed up the air drying process? What a cute little thing she is, though, especially when she’s wet.

Wet Dog!

That picture is from a February bath. I would take pictures every time because I think she’s so cute, but it’s pretty much the same thing. 🙂

Poor gal had a rough morning. I cut one of her dewclaws, which was a big production. I’m on the “one nail a day” cutting program with her and it works pretty well. Unfortunately, she chews on her dewclaws, so they get too short, sharp, pointy and scratchy. They sometimes split, too. So, anyway, one finally grew out long enough for me to cut. I pushed back the fur, pulled the dewclaw outwards slightly so I could see it, lined up and SNIP! Sure, she jumped up and ran around like she does every time. I checked the nail to make sure it wasn’t bleeding, like I always do. YIKES! She’s bleeding like a stuck pig. So, I tried to grab the styptic gel and a q-tip so I could stop the bleeding. She didn’t want me to touch the nail at this point, so I had to pick her up and move her into the kitchen before she bled on the couch. In the process, I got blood on her fur, on me, on the floor, on the bottle of styptic gel… Ugh.

I finally got the bleeding under control and cleaned off her fur. I rewarded her with a chew stick and she acted like nothing was wrong. Happy, bouncy little thing. We’ll see what happens when I go to cut another claw on Monday morning. She took the chew stick and I tried to do some model stitching. Hmmm… I suddenly noticed that she wouldn’t chew on the stick for very long. Oh darn, her paw must be sore. So, after a little bit of cuddling with her and her wandering around trying to find something to do (failing miserably in the attempt), I decided to take her upstairs and gave her a bath before Terry woke up. Afterwards, she got more treats.

So, she’s been roughed up a bit today, but she’s been rewarded quite handsomely, as well. All in all, she’s fine. I just feel bad about her claw, even though I was half expecting it. Next time I cut a dewclaw, though, I’ll have Terry there with the styptic ready to be applied. She’s now dry, soft and worn out, sleeping here right next to me on the couch. Sweet, crazy little thing.

About Jenna Magee

IT professional, needleworker, editor/proofreader, author, singer, musician.
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3 Responses to Crazy Dog!

  1. AnneS says:

    Jenna, more than happy for you to use my photo album idea – if you want let me know your email and I’ll email you a copy of my template if you like … very very basic 🙂 (Sorry, tried to reply email to your comment, but it rejected back saying anonymous email.) Best wishes, Anne.

  2. KarenV says:

    Awww! Phoebe is such a cutie 🙂 Hope she’s recovered from the claw trimming and is back to her usual self.

  3. Dawn says:

    Pheobe is adorable! My dog runs around the house chasing her tail after she gets a bath.

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