Saturday Lost

Kinda like paradise lost, but not. Honestly, though, it’s a good thing that this is a long weekend because otherwise I don’t think I could handle losing an entire weekend day like I did yesterday.

It started with Phoebe having done something to her throat Friday night. I have no idea what she did or when, but I just noticed when we came back from trekking up to West Chester to retrieve a server from “lockup” (that is, the nearest UPS shipping hub that was holding the server hostage pending someone being present to sign for it upon delivery – shah right!) that she didn’t seem to be able to drink water. She would go up to the bowl, dip her tongue in once and that was it. She did this three times in a row, with a minute or so in between, so I knew something was up. I didn’t really give it much thought until she started breathing oddly when we went to bed. She was laying by my feet and every couple of minutes would give this indescribable, rattling kind of “I’m having a hard time getting in a full breath” kind of sound. Of course, me being the hyer-sensitive worried furmommy that I am, I would wake bolt upright every time I heard it. Needless to say, this didn’t do much for my sleep. This would go on every few minutes until she managed to settle into a slumber. At which point I would inevitably end up waking her up by putting my hand on her chest to make sure that the reason she had stopped making the noise wasn’t because she had stopped breathing! (Again, worried mommy syndrome kicking in). Finally, I got over myself and let her be, all the while having dreams about calling the vet in the morning and hoping they had Saturday hours. Eventually, though, she would wake up and we’d go through this cycle… over and over and OVER again. All night long. Until, at 7 AM, I finally got up, took her downstairs and gave her a big chunk of margarine spread to suck on, thinking maybe it would soothe her throat and she’d stop. It didn’t, so the saga continued. Until, at some point in the morning, I heard her lapping and lapping at her water. Hallelujah, the dog is drinking, which means her throat must be better now. Lo and behold, she jumps back onto the bed, curls into a little ball at my feet and goes to sleep without any gasping noises.

Between her and poor Terry snoring at intervals (which is fairly uncommon for him), I didn’t sleep for crud. So, I didn’t manage to get out of bed until 1 PM yesterday. Which, if you know me, my weekend morning stitching ritual and my headache problems, you’d know is unheard for me. I got up, I went downstairs, ate a hearty breakfast (which was now a late lunch) and took a several hour nap on the couch. Which led to muscle stiffness and joint aching, which led to the inevitable headache, which led me to not sleep very comfortably last night, which led me to wake up with aches and pains and ultimately leads me to the headache I’ve been fighting all day. Woohoo! Go weekends!

Seriously, I think I might actually be looking forward to getting back to work on Tuesday. At this rate, I’m not sure I’ll survive the holiday! 😆

Now, back to my model stitching. With luck, I’ll be 50% done (or more!) with the project by the end of the weekend.

About Jenna Magee

IT professional, needleworker, editor/proofreader, author, singer, musician.
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3 Responses to Saturday Lost

  1. Patti says:

    Hope tonight is a better nights sleep and everything is okay with the furbaby. Enjoy your Monday off with lots of stitching!

  2. It never ends in your house, does it? If it isn’t nasty shampoo, it is the no-sleep imp running around destroying plans. Hope you get at least one day this long weekend in comfort.

  3. Barbara says:

    Ah, poor babies and poor mommy! We’ve got two kids with asthma-related problems and our Nicky had breathing problems due to his incredibly swollen adenoids & tonsils, so you have full sympathy from this mommy who’s been there and done that. How is everyone doing now?

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