Hanging Barnabee’s Quest and Other Randomness

I finally took a few minutes to decide where I wanted to hang up my Barnabee’s Quest bellpull this past weekend. He’s now in place in my reading room. We sometimes call the room our “library,” but since it’s only large enough to hold a bookcase and two chairs, that term seems far too grand for it. 😉

He’ll stay in this exact spot until his ladybug friend, Lady Scarlet, finally joins him some day. Considering I haven’t even kitted up any part of Lady Scarlet’s Journey, I think it will be a few years…

Also of note, I purchased a leather cover for my Kindle 2 a few months ago from Oberon Design and neglected to show it off. The products that this company creates are nothing short of fantastic. Yes, they are expensive, but they are well worth it. In fact, I accidentally stepped on my Kindle a couple of weeks ago and there is nary a scratch on it. I believe I owe that fact to the Oberon Design cover on it.

I bought the Tree of Life Kindle 2 cover in green. It is absolutely fabulous – truly! You should see it in person; it is just magnificent.

Here is the packaging (after I took it out of the box):

As you can see, it came with a free charm that matches the button on the cover. I promptly put it to good use by making it into a necklace. I just attached a jump ring to it, threaded it onto some cord that I had, attached ends to the cord and a lobster clasp to one of the ends, et voila!

I think that I will buy 2 more charms at some point so that I can make matching earrings. But back to the Kindle 2 cover:

Here is the front of the cover, when closed:

Here is the entire cover, when open:

Isn’t it fantastic?

Now for some pictures of the inside:

And the inside with my Kindle 2:

While I was placing an order, I bought a matching Tree of Life bookmark. I know that it seems somewhat silly to buy a traditional bookmark along with my e-reader cover, but I still have many traditional books to be read (and re-read), so it seemed appropriate to me.

Finally, before I wrap things up here, I wanted to thank everyone for their lovely comments on my Heart Tuffet contest entry. I don’t think it’s going to win because two of the gals put in really great entries, but I’m quite happy with my finish nonetheless. It’s a winner in my book, no matter what! 🙂

About Jenna Magee

IT professional, needleworker, editor/proofreader, author, singer, musician.
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5 Responses to Hanging Barnabee’s Quest and Other Randomness

  1. coral says:

    love your kindle,and I am jealous too! xx

  2. Annette says:

    Gorgeous bellpull!! I LOVE the cover (and the decal ;)) and may indulge myself for my birthday…

  3. Von says:

    So glad you found a place to hang the beautiful Barnaby! And that Kindle cover is simply amazing, a real work of art. The price is reasonable considering everything involved in creating it. 🙂

  4. Karen says:

    Barnaby’s Quest looks gorgeous against your dark green walls! I just love the cover you picked out for you Kindle. My daughter was looking for a leather cover something like that for a notebook, but the only ones I could find didn’t ship to Canada. 🙁

  5. barbara says:

    That is absolutely beautiful, Jenna!

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