The Not-So-Crazy January Challenge

You’ve probably heard of the Crazy January Challenge 2011. You know, the one where you start a new project each day from January 1st through the 15th. If not, you might want to check it out. Be forewarned, though, it truly is a crazy challenge. So crazy that I almost took it on and then I thought better of it. If you saw my WIP list, you’d understand why I’m opting out.

Instead, I am going to propose my own challenge. My Not-So-Crazy January Challenge of 2011 is to take 15 finishes from your waiting-to-be-finished pile and finish-finish them. They can be framed, made into ornaments, sewn into bellpulls, hand-stitched into biscornus, whatever strikes your fancy. My goal is to clear out that finishing pile in which some pieces have been languishing for years. If you choose to frame any pieces, you can either complete the framing yourself by the end of January or take them into a framer by the end of January, your choice and either one counts.

If you decide to join in with me on the challenge, you will need to post a photo of each of your 15 finishes by the end of January. I hope that at least one person will take me up on this challenge so that I’m not alone!If you interested in joining me, please leave a comment with your blog URL so that I can watch your progress.

I would appreciate mentions of this challenge on other blogs, even if you don’t take it on yourself. Thanks!

About Jenna Magee

IT professional, needleworker, editor/proofreader, author, singer, musician.
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8 Responses to The Not-So-Crazy January Challenge

  1. Karen says:

    I have to say I’ve seen a lot of posts about the crazy challenge and it didn’t interest me at all. I’m a one at a time stitcher and having that many things on the go at once would make me crazy. I like your idea for the challenge, but unfortunately I don’t have 15 pieces waiting to be finish-finished. I recently made a pretty big dent in finishing some things off. So, I may amend your challenge by saying that I will finish-finish 15 things this year. Next time I post to my blog, I’ll be sure to mention your challenge. Have a good week Jenna!

  2. Christine says:

    I think I’m going to opt out of both challenges (although the 15 new starts is totally doable! lol). I am just going to aim to get some stitching done in January!

  3. Anna says:

    I’m already signed up for January, but I think I may do your challenge in February!

  4. Bonnie says:

    I believe I am pulling out 12 UFOs (one for each month) and finish stitching them. Most will be a challenge as each of them has most likely been put aside due to a mistake that still needs to be found and fixed.

  5. Parsley says:

    I just want to LEARN to finish better. I mess up EVERY TIME!

  6. barbara says:

    That’s a GREAT idea! I don’t actually have 15 finishes that need to be finish-finished, but it’s a great idea. 😀

  7. Anne S says:

    Hmmm, I’m kinda tempted … I’ve got so many things in my finishing pile, it’s not funny … not entirely sure I could get one done every day, though, especially as I’ve already signed up for the Crazy January challenge … BUT I was thinking that I could modify it a tiny bit, and at least start the finishing of 15 things, even if it’s just cutting out the mattboard and batting etc – plus I have Mum’s 12 days of Christmas ornies that aren’t quite finish-finished as they need stuffing and stitching up, which means they could easily take up 12 of the challenge days 😉 Oh, the temptation!!!

    BTW, I LOVE all your latest finishes and WIP, they’re awesome as always! 😀

  8. Chelle says:

    Hello! It’s been a while since I visited. 🙂 I think the original challenge may work for me. I finished all of my oldest WIPs over the past year or two and having a bunch of new starts is very appealing. I look forward to seeing how your finishing goes!

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