Goodbye, My Sweet Little Girl

Phoebe Leigh Magee
(July 4, 1998 – August 17, 2009)

(Photo taken by Barbara days before Phoebe died.)

I’ve been avoiding writing this post for over two and a half months. I thought that it was because I didn’t have to time to devote to it, but it turns out that it’s really because my heart still aches and the wound is still semi-fresh. It took me several days of having this post open to be able to type without crying. Even now, there are tears in my eyes.

I’m not even sure what to say. Anyone who knows me knows that Phoebe was my little baby girl. Aside from Terry, she was my best friend and the love of my life. She was a wonderful dog who was incredibly smart and well-behaved. We were truly spoiled by her and privileged to have her in our lives.

Phoebe had a heart murmur that was diagnosed when she was a couple of years old. Through the years, the murmur got worse and worse and then, in November of 2007, she had been coughing a lot and when we took her to the vet, we were told that she was in congestive heart failure. She was put on two medications, but was incredibly good about taking her pills. We would wrap them in a little bit of cheese and she would gulp them right down. As time went on, the dosage of her meds were increased in an attempt to reduce the fluid around her heart. In the end, she had lost a lot of muscle mass and, despite eating normally, she had lost weight.

We didn’t think that she was going to see her 10th birthday, much less her 11th, and yet, it still seems like she left us too soon. Pomeranians can live up to 16 years old, but we weren’t lucky enough to see Phoebe get nearly that far. I can attempt to soothe my soul by saying that we took really good care of her (which we did) and that we made a kind and loving decision for her, but it truly doesn’t make it any easier. That day, hands down, was the worst day of my life to date. One that I don’t look forward to repeating. And yet, life goes on.

Thank you to all of you who have provided your support through the tough weeks following Phoebe’s death. All I would like to do now is share some of my favorite photos of my dearest one.

Phoebe at 3-4 Months Old:

5 Months Old:

8 Months Old:

Christmas 1999:


New Year’s Eve 2002:







Rest in peace, sweet one. You will always be loved and missed terribly.

About Jenna Magee

IT professional, needleworker, editor/proofreader, author, singer, musician.
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16 Responses to Goodbye, My Sweet Little Girl

  1. Anne S says:

    Thanks for sharing your photos of Phoebe. I think your dedication to her memory is a true reflection of that beautiful caring person that you are. Rest in peace sweet Phoebe – one day you’ll meet up again xx

  2. Vonna says:

    I’m so sorry Jenna, the loss of a dear pet I know is heart breaking. She had a lovely life with you and I’m sure awaits you at the rainbow bridge. May she rest in peace. She had a snappy little name for a sweet little dear 🙂

  3. Isabelle says:

    Beautiful tribute to your beautiful Phoebe, Jenna. I cried when I learned she had left you, and tears are rolling again on reading your post today.

    Phoebe was the most beautiful, the most loving, and the most clever furry companion. No one could have loved her better and given her a happier life than you did. You two were meant to meet and share a life together, and I can only hope the separation is temporary.


  4. Barbara says:

    Sending lots of warm hugs your way, Jenna. I’m so proud of you that you could write this – I know how incredibly difficult it must’ve been.

    I’m so glad I had the chance to meet Phoebe. In only part of one day, and even though she wasn’t feeling well, she really stole my heart. She was truly something very, very special.

  5. Christine S says:

    Thanks for posting the photos of Phoebe, Jenna. She’s a really beautiful dog and I’m sorry that she’s gone. Your post brings a tear to my eye, too, thinking about my pom Tux that I lost just a couple of weeks before you lost Phoebe. (((Hugs)))

  6. Tirza says:

    Phoebe was a beautiful girl and she was lucky to have you as a mommy. May time ease your pain. I’m so sorry.

  7. Von says:

    The heart does not forget such a love as you had for Phoebe. May the memories of the love you shared bring you comfort. Hugs

  8. Angela says:

    Such a beautiful baby girl.
    My heart is with you…. it’s been over a year now since my dear Chris E.’s passing.. and I miss him just as much.

  9. Daffycat says:

    I’m sorry to hear of the loss of your beautiful Pheobe. ***hugs***

  10. Coral says:

    What lovely photos of Phoebe, especially the puppy ones. The pain of the loss will get better – I lost Patch 10 September 2009 – and I think about her every day, and I am grateful she is in a better, pain free place.

  11. Sharon says:

    Dear Jenna, so sorry to hear about a Phoebe! {{{hugs}}}

  12. Anna says:

    Awww. It’s never never easy.

    (Love the drowned rat picture!)

  13. Meari says:

    ((hugs)) I know how you feel. 🙁 Phoebe was adorable!

  14. Evelyn says:

    wow your story make me cried sow much and i under stand the lost of your little princess. i past trow that 5 years ago and i still remember my baby dog name wayne i still cried for him and i don’t feel bad saying it i will always remember him unto i died. sow peace for your princess and my baby dog . love for you from me and never forget her she was part of you.

  15. Michelle says:

    Jenna, I know how hard this post was to write. And I know how much that hurts. When I lost Hamlet, I thought my entire world had collapsed…and in essence, it did. I still miss him, and the heartache is still there. But, oh what a blessing it was to have him in our lives. Big hugs to you, sweetie. It is so hard, I know.

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