Well, I Finally Did It!

First of all, let me just say hi! I’m still here and kicking; I’m just very busy with school and work right now and it’s leaving me no time for stitching, blogging or any other extra-curricular activities. I will try to do better than to blog once a month, though. I just can’t guarantee that I’ll have anything to say. 😉

Anyway, on to my topic for the day. I’ve been thinking of writing to Dr. Phil for years about my relationship (or complete lack thereof) with my brother, asking for help. Well, I finally scrolled through their list of upcoming show ideas and I submitted my information. I really, really hope that someone will contact me because my family sure could use some serious help. I don’t think I’ve ever talked about it here because I don’t like to air our dirty laundry, but I will say that I haven’t seen my brother in over a decade and I have never met my sister-in-law, my niece or my nephew. I would have to look up the birthdates of my niece and nephew, but I think that they are about 10 and 8 years old now. My brother refuses to speak to me, our mother or our father. We’re not even 100% positive where he lives. It’s just a pretty sad situation for our family, as we all three miss him a lot.

BTW, for those of you who live outside of the U.S., Dr. Phil is a psychologist who is on t.v. everyday and helps people across the country with their issues. He has a lot of resources at his disposal to be able to find and reach people that no one else can, so I really think he might be able to help.

We could really use this kind of help, so if you feel so inclined, I would appreciate your positive energy and good thoughts towards getting the Dr. Phil show involved so that we can resolve this mess.

About Jenna Magee

IT professional, needleworker, editor/proofreader, author, singer, musician.
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9 Responses to Well, I Finally Did It!

  1. KarenV says:

    I’m sorry to hear of your family situation. I hope that you get accepted by Dr. Phil’s show and that you get some kind of resolution to this. I will keep you in my thoughts.

  2. Melanie says:

    Having a similar situation within our family, I know how hard it can be (only in my position, I’m not sure reconciliation would be beneficial) I hope your wish comes true.

  3. cathymk says:

    Hello Jenna, I was wondering how you were getting along (how is school?)
    I’ll be thinking of you and your family. (hugs)

  4. Barbara says:

    You’ve always got my positive thoughts, Jenna!

    I’d be really curious to see that show. My brother and I are not estranged, but we don’t talk to each other unless we have to. He’s drinking again and the last time he called it was just to yell and swear at me. 🙁

  5. Anne S says:

    Fingers crossed you get your prayers answered chickadee – I have a cousin who walked away from her family years ago (including her only son!), and it saddens me when I think about it. We have Dr Phil here too on TV during the day – it’s worth looking into. If any sadness can be healed, then it’s worth taking the extra steps to see it happen. Good luck with everything my friend {{hugs}}.

  6. Coral says:

    I hope it all comes together as it sounds like a great opportunity for you all.


  7. Michelle says:

    Good for you! I’m sending positive thoughts your way.

  8. Meari says:

    Good luck with Dr Phil, Jenna. Coincidentally, years ago a friend of mine wrote about to the show and they offered to fly her and her son to be on the show. The son refused so they never made it. How’s school going?

  9. Coral says:

    Happy birthday !!!

    Have a great day!

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