It’s Official!

I’m a student again. I can’t believe it. I’m excited and nervous at the same time, but mostly terribly excited to get started. My first class starts on August 21st and the book is already making its way to me. I am officially enrolled with the Art Institute Online for a Graphic Design Associate of Science degree. I have a feeling that I may change this along the line and shift to a shorter program, the Digital Design Diploma. But I really wanted a fine arts background before I jumped into the Digital Design program, as I’m not totally confident in my drawing and other related skills at this point.

This time around, the education process is entirely for me. It has no relation to, or bearing upon, my day job. I’m a computer programmer / systems analyst by trade, not a graphic artist. Nor do I intend to become a graphic artist full time. At least, not at this time. It’s just one of those “maybe someday down the road” scenarios. We own our own web design and hosting business as a home business on the side. This additional education is to help me be able to create my own graphics and design better websites. This could someday lead me to quit my day job and go full time as a web designer. Or it may not.

It may seem like a waste of money to get an education in a field that I may never actually enter, but this is for me. It’s something I’ve wanted to do for years and something that continues to gnaw at me. To me, it’s worth it to realize a dream, whether or not that dream actually leads anywhere.

About Jenna Magee

IT professional, needleworker, editor/proofreader, author, singer, musician.
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19 Responses to It’s Official!

  1. Anna says:

    Yay! Hooray! Don’t know why you feel like you have to justify yourself–we’ve always been an education for education’s sake kind of family. Good luck.

  2. KarenV says:

    Congratulations Jenna and good luck!

  3. Dawn says:

    Good for you, Jenna! 🙂

  4. Jennifer says:

    Woo hoo!!! Good luck!! And nevermind that your degree doesn’t appear to be immediately practical. You never know where your studies will lead you or what kind of opportunities are waiting down the road. My grandmother always encouraged all kinds of learning and education, especially getting a degree. She said “Once you have it, they can never take it away from you.”

  5. Pirjo says:

    Great, Jenna I’m so happy for you! Don’t you dare to think of it as waste – education never is, I as a teacher should know that. 🙂

  6. Von says:

    Congratulations on your new student status!! It’s great that you’ve followed your heart. My dsil has recently quit a well-paying job and is now training for the Kennewick Police Department, a career that he’s wanted since he was a small boy. I really think he’ll find more fulfillment in his life and will be a happier husband and father. 🙂

    Good luck with your studies and enjoy!!

  7. Sharon says:

    Congratulations Jenna! Nothing you ever truly want to do is a waste! I think it’s wonderful-Best wishes to you!

  8. Melanie says:

    Education just for the sake of self-enrichment *rocks*! Been there, done that, and bah humbug to any detractors. In the case of our brains, it is very much a case of ‘use it or lose it’, so I say use it and enjoy yourself 🙂

  9. cathymk says:

    I’m so pleased for you Jenna! I hope you will enjoy your studies.

  10. Coral says:

    Go for it – Education is always good!

  11. Svenja says:

    Congratulations Jenna! Education is never a waste of money! Enjoy it!

  12. Barbara says:

    You did it! You rock! You’re my hero!

  13. Anne S says:

    Good for you, Jenna!! Life is made to be lived to its fullest – and if you didn’t do it, you’d always be wondering “what if…” I did the same thing with my travel course, I figured it was a year out of my life (full-time), and if it didn’t work out I’d just move on … and I’ve never looked back! I hope it brings you everything you hope for and more 😀

  14. Angela says:

    I think it’s great for you letting your dreams take flight! *Tons of luck to you!

  15. Heather says:

    Without the pursuit of imagination and dreams, even the wildest of those — **especially** the wildest of those !! — there would be no invention. Who knows where your dream may lead you … or who may go on to achieve miraculous things she will share credit with you as her inspiration. The desire, the mischief, the electricity of an open and curious mind is contagious, and therein lies a super power! 🙂

  16. Anne R says:

    You too, Jenna? We’ll both be students, then!


  17. Vonna says:

    Congrats Jenna! You’ll be brilliant!

  18. Meari says:

    Woo Hoo! I’m happy for you Jenna. If I could afford to get a degree just for *me*, I’d do it too. Luckily, my employer pays for my classes so my degrees are in fields related to my work. Good luck with your classes. Mine starts on Aug 18th.

  19. Michelle says:

    Congratulations! I would REALLY love to go back to school for interior design, just for me, so I know how you feel! I think it’s great that you’re doing this for yourself, and you may find so many areas you can use this in that you didn’t even think of!

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