Allergy Attack

This year’s allergy season seems to be in full force and must be 10 times worse than it’s been in the past. I don’t usually have a lot of allergy problems and don’t typically take anything other than an Alavert (over-the-counter medicine) every once in a while. But this weekend… WHAM! I woke up on Saturday morning with itchy eyes and throat. As we went through the day, it got progressively worse. Just by the time I had showered and we went out to run some errands, I was stuffy with my breathing a little bit more difficult than normal, making me feel worn out. I transplanted the four african violets and two more houseplants that we bought that morning. By the end of the day, I felt like I had a cold on top of the allergies, with coughing and a headache coming on. I didn’t sleep very well Saturday night because the stuffiness worked its way into my sinuses and gave me a headache. Sunday, we lounged around the house and I was able to do some good stitching on Barnabee’s Quest (progress picture to be posted later, once I download it from the camera when I get home). I still didn’t sleep well last night, not really sleeping after about 4:30 AM. I laid and rested my body as much as I could, but my mind was awake the whole time. So, my body’s not in too bad shape, but my brain’s not in great shape. Not to mention, I had a headache the whole time I was laying there. All this when I’ve been on Allegra for nearly a week! It’s been a rough weekend, but it’s raining today (thank goodness), so hopefully that will subdue the pollen a bit so that I can sleep tonight without pain. If this continues too much long, I foresee another doctor visit in my future. This time for an allergy medication specifically for nasal allergies, preferably in nasal spray form, so I know it’s going straight to where it needs to be.

No worries, though. I’m still my positive, cheerful self. This too shall pass.

About Jenna Magee

IT professional, needleworker, editor/proofreader, author, singer, musician.
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6 Responses to Allergy Attack

  1. Vonna says:

    Oh my…springtime is beautiful, but the pollen count is not….take care!

  2. Dawn says:

    I hear you on the allergies this year! I hope you get some relief soon. (((HUGS)))

  3. Kendra says:

    My allergies have been giving me fits this year, too. I never used to have spring allergies, but for the past few years I’ve had a round in the spring, and it seems like they get worse each year. My current med of choice is FloNase spray, but lately it’s not working as well for me. It may be time to change meds again…it seems like I have to change every few years!

  4. Barbara says:

    I am a few days behind in blog commenting – are you feeling better now? I hope so!

  5. Outi says:

    Aww, shucks. 🙁

    I can feel for you, as you probably guess. I can’t survive with any of those over the counter stuff, but I need so strong allergy medication that it has to be prescribed (it’s also costly!)…
    If you can get it, I suggest Nasonex (mometasonefuroate or something like that) as a nasal spray. It works wonders for me. 🙂

    By the way, the new medication you take may affect on the allergies – I had those problems with my asthma when I started SSRI.

  6. Michelle says:

    Me too! The allergies are really fierce since last weekend. Ugh!!!

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