Christmas, Part Deux

Christmas is well and truly gone now for this year (actually, last year). We came home from work early on Friday to find my parents had just arrived and were unpacking their car. Good timing! Friday evening we called and ordered a pizza, then Terry and I ran out to the grocery store for the remaining provisions needed for the Saturday feast. By the time we got back, the pizza had already arrived, so we ate and then opened presents. Woohoo! More presents. 🙂

We were spoiled all over again, which was nice. The biggest gift, I think, was a set of sheets for our bed. That may not seem like a big deal, but we only have the set we bought when we bought the bed. When was that, a year or more ago? I don’t even remember anymore. I washed them on Sunday and put them on the bed. Terry can’t stand having the scent of fabric softener on the sheets because it aggravates his allergies, so they are a little scratchy right now, but they’ll be broken in soon enough.

I also got a sweater from my dad. This is an annual tradition. He goes out on his own and buys a sweater for each of his girls. He always picks such nice ones, too; it’s a treat to see them each year. My mother knitted me two cowls to wear if the weather happens to get cold again (it’s in the 50’s here today) and one has angora in it, I think. It’s just wonderfully soft and snuggly. I may end up pulling them up over my ears as a kind of headwrap if it ever gets truly cold this winter.

I won’t go on and on about what we got because I have other things to discuss. Saturday was our second attempt at a big meal. The turkey went into the oven at 11 AM and Terry went up for a nap. I decided to surprise him and got everything else prepped and ready to go into the oven when the turkey came out. I woke him when the little thermometer in the turkey popped up. I think it was nice for him to be able to come down and find everything ready to go into the oven. 🙂

Poor guy still has his cold. It moved down into his chest and is just lingering. He’s just been coughing so much. I feel badly for him, but, at the same time, I am determined not to get it myself. I’ve been going to sleep at 10 PM for the past few weeks, so I think it’s helping me to get enough sleep which, in turn, is keeping my immune system strong. At least, that’s what I think is happening.

But I digress. Back to the weekend news. My parents had to leave bright and early on Sunday because my mom forgot to pack her pills for that day by accident and wanted to get home by noon or 1 PM to be able to at least take the second dose and figure out how to get caught up on the morning ones she missed.

And then I sunk back into my depression. I’ve been on a roller coaster the past week, with Wednesday night’s relapse and then Sunday’s. Sunday, I think my mood sank due to the sudden exit of people from the house. We went from the excitement of having people on Friday night, then more people on Saturday, then no one but ourselves on Sunday. I did some exercise, which can help, according to my psychologist and I also stitched. I think the light from my Ott light might actually be helping my SAD, so I’ll have to keep up with the stitching this winter. That’s a good excuse, right? 😉 So I made some pretty good progress on Pretty Posies yesterday. I’ll have to take a picture of it when I finish the bottom half. That might even be tonight, if I’m good about it.

About Jenna Magee

IT professional, needleworker, editor/proofreader, author, singer, musician.
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5 Responses to Christmas, Part Deux

  1. Anna says:

    I’m convinced that both the dude and I have better moods when I stitch under the Ott light. Keep it up. Should you invite friends around if having people over brightens your mood?

  2. Vonna says:

    Jenna, sounds like you had a wonderful time with your part 2 of Christmas. So sorry that your depression returned or increased after everyone was gone. I think many of us have seasonal depression, seems like you understand what helps you though so maybe (hopefully) things will even out for you…I’m thinking of you 🙂

  3. Barbara says:

    Yeah, that deflated feeling when family leaves … that just sucks. I usually hit some equilibrium a couple-three days later, when I can enjoy that they were here even if they are gone. Do you have a cycle like that, too?

    I’m really glad that you enjoyed the brief time you did have with them, and the dinner sounds like a total success. You keep getting plenty of sleep on a regular schedule like you’re doing, and keep that Ott light burning! 😉 Anna’s suggestion of having friends over sounds like a good idea, too. Should I start packing my suitcase? 😉

  4. Sharon says:

    Jenna, I am sorry to hear that you are having a rough time. I am glad however that part deaux of Chritstmas went well! It is always nice to spend time with family. I sincerely hope that things will get better. Remember we are always here rooting for you!

  5. Meari says:

    Sounds like a nice Christmas, Jenna. What’s a cowl?

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