Not a Bad Wednesday

Today was not too bad for a Wednesday, surprising as that may seem. The hip pain seems to have eased, probably thanks to me studiously using proper posture, both feet on the floor when sitting, centering my weight evenly when standing, trying not to cross my legs, etc. last night for hours on end. Of course, Terry played XIII for hours last night, as well, which eventually gave me a headache and motion sickness – DOH! I took a bonine tonight just after he started playing. 🙂

So, total stitching geek that I am, I stitched last night while Terry was playing. I’m working some of the last motifs on a housewarming fingertip towel for a friend (a much-belated gift since she moved into her new place several months ago, but I haven’t seen the house yet so does that count?). I also started stitching the kloster blocks on the second installment for my half of the winter freebie exchange on Chartswappers.

I’m feeling pretty overwhelmed by the amount of stuff I need to do between now and Christmas, so in typical list maven fashion, I made a task list for myself. Not of everything that needs to be done in the next month and a half, of course, that would be insanely long and incredibly self-defeating. I’m really not entirely sure why making lists seems to help me deal with stressful situations, but it does so I guess I shouldn’t analyze it. 😛

Well, back to work so I can cross some more items off of my list. I’ve already hit three today, but considering that I started with 30, that’s only 1/10th. And, of course, the list will continue to grow over the next couple of weeks. ARGH!

About Jenna Magee

IT professional, needleworker, editor/proofreader, author, singer, musician.
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